I'll have to disagree, if you write little cute diagrams and only makes sense to you labels you will forget what you were referring to and possibly be worse off than before especially if it's going to be days or weeks before you're going to complete whatever transition. Be as descriptive as possible, label the wires AND write on a pad a description and where the wire went.
Try to keep everything you can intact. Disconnect hoses from power steering pump at the gear box so you can have those hoses. Take everything with you, A/C brackets/compressor even if you're not planning on using them, fan, shroud, radiator if you can manage, hoses, engine mounts (unbolt from perches instead of at engine, or instead of removing pin bolts and only taking half of the "mount"), air cleaner box and ducting out of the engine bay, EVERYTHING! Take your time and look at what you're about to do before you do it. Keep the tranny to engine bolts too..... etc etc.