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Everything posted by 280zwitha383

  1. One point to be made is that the people in whatever given foreign country are poor. Period. The fact that they have work is a big plus for them. Even though they are paid what we consider to be a horrible wage it actually might be a good wage for their country. Things become relative and by bashing on some company you are judging them by our standards and not by their standards. Yes sweat shops are horrible but when the kids are paid an adult salary and are helping the family then what? Just something to think about.
  2. All I can read is.... ????????????????suppository?????????????????????????
  3. It almost looks like rice but it's much more refined.
  4. Oooooh, forgive me for typing primaries instead of secondaries (do you really not think I know the difference?). Come one. Does it not even make sense in my post that I made a typo?
  5. You'll start trying to figure out how to piece it together yourself when you see the price. These people have a bad rep. but for the price I would be willing to give the kit a shot on a JY engine: http://www.ssautochrome.com/level.itml/icOid/1844
  6. Depending on what Quadrajet he got I would agree that with light driving you could get decent gas mileage similar maybe to a 2-barrel. However, the primaries are HUGE on those things and they're rated at 700++ cfm. If you were to do the same "spirited" driving as with the 670, you should get worse gas mileage. If you want to go much bigger than that in the future (with fuel injection) the LSx engines are probably for you. If you're content with a 350hp hurdle you can get a 350 vortec for probably atleast 1/2 the price of an LS1 and either get a 4l60/700r4/200-4r/T56 and maybe even T-5 for your overdrive. They come with a 4l60(e) and you could buy both at once. The "hurdle" comes from the intake and the low flowing (19lbs/hr) spider injector of the vortec engine. There are of course solutions but they're $$ just like anything else. I think it would be an excellent first engine with room to grow. They make aftermarket FI intakes, a different fuel injector, and better heads. If you believe the articles, vortec heads with machined heads for bigger lift and a healthy cam will break 400hp pretty easily. That is with a carburetor but if the intake and injection issues were addressed it should be as doable. Another thing that is a big plus for these engines is that they come stock with a roller cam. Roller cams are your friend
  7. How would you go about reducing the weight of it?
  8. Uhh, where's the funny/demented part? I don't get it.....
  9. I read that link and played around a little with my AFM, didn't really do anything but while I was messing with it I noticed my BCDD (boost controlled decelleration device, on the bottom of the intake, looks like a water filter you would find on an air line.... anyway) kept making noises on and off at say 1500rpm, I noticed it would make my afm move when it would make noise. Basically, it was letting air in when it shouldn't be. So I disconnected the hose going to it and plugged it. Now my low rpm seems to be more powerful and smooth.
  10. If you keep the fuel injection sure, if not I doubt you'll see a difference especially if you put a different than stock cam (which wouldn't make a lot of sense not to). Ask me how I know....
  11. I've got the 383 280ZX, an '81 "beater" and if my friend will ever go get it I'll have a roller somewhat setup for another sbc. Maybe I'll try for the whole gas mileage thing with this one and forget the "beater".
  12. An overdrive transmission of any kind with fuel injection should get you into the low 20's. Some guys are doing low to mid 20's with carbed 350's and 383's with the double over-drive of the T56 transmissions. LS1 and probably a FI 350 with a T56 should get you into the high 20's I would think. One of the things that I think is somewhat of a folly in what most people (everyone I've seen) on here does is keep 3.54, 3.90 and even 4.11 gears. With the torque of a V8, such gears are hardly necessary in a street driven vehicle with 3 gears BEFORE you reach 1:1. Corvettes that come with the LS1/T56 have 2.73 gears (not sure if they all do), they weigh a little more than a 280z or 280zx and a considerable bit more than 240z's and can get low 30mpg on the highway. That is just my opinion but is something to think about. Edit: Umm yeah, there aren't a whole lot of options for diffs lower numerically than a 3.54 so that might be a reason.
  13. Why a th400? Why not a th350? Surely not because you don't think the 350 will handle it and the 350 should take less power to run.
  14. I'll have to disagree, if you write little cute diagrams and only makes sense to you labels you will forget what you were referring to and possibly be worse off than before especially if it's going to be days or weeks before you're going to complete whatever transition. Be as descriptive as possible, label the wires AND write on a pad a description and where the wire went. Try to keep everything you can intact. Disconnect hoses from power steering pump at the gear box so you can have those hoses. Take everything with you, A/C brackets/compressor even if you're not planning on using them, fan, shroud, radiator if you can manage, hoses, engine mounts (unbolt from perches instead of at engine, or instead of removing pin bolts and only taking half of the "mount"), air cleaner box and ducting out of the engine bay, EVERYTHING! Take your time and look at what you're about to do before you do it. Keep the tranny to engine bolts too..... etc etc.
  15. It was just wishful thinking. The listing sounds like a woman describing it and with the non-rubber piping I thought maybe.
  16. If the price is reasonable you should buy it. It will be cheaper in the long run and you can have something to drive while you build the motor you want (as stated earlier).
  17. Rebuild in between?! Shoot. SBC will last just as long as (almost) anything if you treat them right.
  18. 1. Check the float levels. This is carb'd right? 2. Maybe flywheel to starter clearance? 3. Do you have a clutch adjustment? You could try bleeding more. Are you bleeding it right? Good luck
  19. That is possibly the worst picture I have ever seen taken/posted.
  20. I wouldn't last because I have to sleep for ATLEAST 8 hours a night. 9-10 and I'm happy.
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