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Everything posted by mario_82_ZXT

  1. Sorry... I went digging even more and it turn's out I was wrong But they can still rev! Also, I think it is 280zx Racer on this forum who put it into a 280zx 2+2. I also think that it's the SC engine that is rear sumped. Mario
  2. I've been looking at that engine as well. So far this is what I understand: - Cheap to get ahold of. - Usually rebuild not required, most of the time just need to check the lash on the scissor gears. - Very narrow DOHC, should easily fit. - More aftermarket support overseas, especially Australia. - Only automatics available stock, but there are adapter kits out there. - Built NAs can rev to 10k RPMs (so I've heard) - Flat plane crank (mmmm Ferrari sound) - Has been done in a 280zx - Aftermarket barely catching up, apparently stock cams are very limiting, and companies are barely starting to make performance ones. Hmm... that's all I can think of now. Mario
  3. I'm probably going with the ez-wiring kit. Not to be confused by ez2wire. Similar price and people here have had good success with it. Mario
  4. Why do you have to install the resistor in line? Mario
  5. I have seen the fit and finish of this g-nose and it is absolutely terrible!!! So much had to be modified to fit, it definately was not worth it (it is still not that good after countless hours of working on it). I'd try to find someplace else, plus he has a nasty reputation for taking forever to ship. Search here and on zcar.com to see what I mean. Mario
  6. I should have been more specific. This has been a recommendation given to me by others on the msefi.com when I was having issues a long time ago. I guess I should have been more specific that that is not always the case, but it has been known to happen. Mario
  7. w00t! First attempt! It looks like a giant little chibi car haha....
  8. mario_82_ZXT

    Chibi Car

    First attempt =)
  9. Hmm.... since you have tried different serial cables, what about if there is something wrong with the MS box port itself. Like a bridged connenction in the pins inside the box, or defective serial communications chip. What's weird is that it wasn't doing it before... maybe open it up and check the solder points on the port. Mario
  10. Have you tried an inline power noise filter? Also, are you using a power inverter? I had heard that these cause so much electrical noise that they will actually reset an MS box. Mario
  11. I know that some braided lines do leak vapors. At least that's what a friend told me that worked on a high dollar super car that had problems passing EPA requirements because of it. Mario
  12. Sorry, not of much help here either, but what about getting center caps for just the holes and running with the lug nuts exposed? Other then that, I agree, Yahoo Auctions is probably your best bet, unless you have a contact in Japan. Mario
  13. If I only had a f---ing dollar for every time I've said that.... Damn there are some nice Zs in this thread. b_sosick, why are you selling it already? Mario
  14. Did you follow this: http://megasquirt.sourceforge.net/extra/setup.html The last version on the configurator states: "last edited for version 029b and MT2.25b737 or later" I thinkit should still work. It sounds like you didn't activate the ini. It seems that the reason it won't run with the PC connected is because MT might be interrupting some addresses currently used to run the engine. Also, 029q seems very reason, it could be that the MT update hasn't happened yet. Mario
  15. Please This has been covered lots of times and people have provided numbers for their setups as well. In short: Flat tops and a P90 will have good quench, with plenty of oomph at no/low boost and still take high amounts. Granted your fuel system and everything else is up to par if not better. Mario
  16. For the L series at least, it's easier to drop in the engine with the tranny out, the put the tranny in. If you don't want to do that, I would also put a jack under the engine to help align the engine and tranny. It has to be almost dead straight on for it to go in with minimal effort. Mario
  17. That looks so sweet and classy! Me want! Mario
  18. Nice! Do you have the paint code for that silver? Good luck on your project! Mario
  19. Where's the tire smoke and squeal?? j/k Car looks a sounds awesome, next time make the music a tad softer. Mario
  20. My suspension. Though it is composed of mostly available parts, some aren't, and the whole package sets it off from most Z suspensions that I've seen. And the stance just looks wicked. Pics to come, hopefully tomorrow! And holy crap does the Z stick like glue now! Mario
  21. Or click on "My Profile" and then "Find all posts by". Mario
  22. Yea that g-nose is nice but the one that I posted is what I remember MJP selling. Mario
  23. They look kinda like this: There are subtle differences though, but that's the general shap. The ZX already has kinda a g-nose. Mario
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