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Locksmith can't retumble hatch + door locks.

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Is my locksmith a shitty locksmith?



Not ALL locksmiths do OLD Automotive stuff. He may be one of them. I wouldn't call him "shitty" for that. You might simply let your fingers do the walking and call around to find one that does do automotive work. The tumbler kits for these old cars aren't in EVERY shop.

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Is my locksmith a shitty locksmith?

If your Z is like mine, the r/side door lock has a 5 or 6 number code# that a good locksmith can look up in has computer and make new keys to fit them. If you are trying to change to a different combination, then your only choice is different locks. By the way, it cost me $20.00 dollars, and that included 2 new keys !

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I just had local locksmith 'key alike' my doors and hatch to my ignition key for $44 including a spare key!

Just had to remove them from car first and that was easy since I am working on interior(no panels). Took him about an 45min.

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Not to put down anybody, but taking these apart takes a few simple tools (the locksmith killed my bezel!) and with a set of swiss files and some brass sheet stock you can just about MAKE any tumbler you want...and make your locks fit any key you want as well.


it isn't rocket science, but you do have to figure out the tricks to get some of them like the hatch lock and glovebox lock apart to make a 'full set'...


FIRST thing I do is check the keys on any car I have with the glovebox and hatch. If they work those, you are GOLDEN!


All the others are EASILY reworked by a hamfisted moron like me.


Those Hatch and Glovebox locks take a little more finesse (and patience) than I have to recommend or attempt again unless it got a LOT of time (like when I retire...)

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Not to put down anybody, but taking these apart takes a few simple tools (the locksmith killed my bezel!) and with a set of swiss files and some brass sheet stock you can just about MAKE any tumbler you want...and make your locks fit any key you want as well.


it isn't rocket science, but you do have to figure out the tricks to get some of them like the hatch lock and glovebox lock apart to make a 'full set'...


FIRST thing I do is check the keys on any car I have with the glovebox and hatch. If they work those, you are GOLDEN!


All the others are EASILY reworked by a hamfisted moron like me.


Those Hatch and Glovebox locks take a little more finesse (and patience) than I have to recommend or attempt again unless it got a LOT of time (like when I retire...)

Thanks brother! This is the post I was looking for!!
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So I just retumbled my car door locks. One of the easiest things I've ever done!! I'm making a How-To video. Should be done by tomorrow or the day after!! THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION TONY!!!


The hatch & glove box locks were actually VERY easy!!! :D

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Sorry for not having the video up yet brothers! Getting my car fixed so I can see my beautiful girlfriend, and getting my CompSci mid-term A grade have been my top priorities. I'm about 90% done with my Comp-Sci homework right now. As soon as I have that finished I'll publish the video!!!

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Yeah, I think I'm going to attempt the DIY retumble on my doors. I just moved to a new shell and have have a key that matches the hatch and ignition but not the doors, so this seems like a perfect project for me.

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3 days later and no video? What's wrong with you? tongue.gif


I'm actually interested in this myself as well. I have a key that works in my door and ignition though the ignition fit is loose/sloppy (falls out even) but the passenger door has never worked with any of my keys. Then I also have a separate key for my hatch that seems to work nicely that I'd like to key the doors to. I don't have a glovebox, so no worries there, and I'll be ditching my ignition switch soon too. But hey, to get everything else to work on one key would be nice.


I actually just swapped out my passenger door and putting in my lock I was thinking "what the hell am I even swapping this over for? It doesn't even fit my key..."

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Sorry guys. Google Summer of Code is coming up. I have to finish reading "Web Bots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers" by Michael Schrenk, then write a spider to crawl Twitter as a proof of concept. If google accepts they give me 5k for school, and it looks mad impressive on my application to Stanford. I hate keeping you guys waiting but I promise I will have it no later than this coming Tuesday. Girlfriend + School + Car = dull boy.


Applications for GSoC begin on Monday and I have to have code written; along with submission to multiple projects in case I am rejected from my preferred project. Basically no sleep till brooklyn.


On page 200 of 300. I'll probably finish reading it in 2-3 hours. I'll spend from 5-6 AM until 2 PM trying to write the preliminary script. Hang out with my girlfriend. Come home, and fall asleep. Wake up, finish script. Upload to git. Hang out with girlfriend. Fall asleep. Wake up peruse other GSoC projects. Write my half assed proposals to the projects I'm kinda sorta interested in. Submit proposals by Monday. Drink bottle of Vuevue Cliqot.


EDIT: Just took a 5 hour nap. Not to be confused with sleep. Sleep is for the weak.

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