zeeboost Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 I just recieved a ticket from the good ole HP for doing 82 in a 60, and I'm contemplating if I should go to court for it or not. About the only hope that I would have is if the officer doesn't show up; if he does, I'm SOL. The only thing I can think of is just to try to extend the court date as far as I can, and about the only thing I have going for me is that I haven't had a speeding ticket in 3 years, and I'm a college student (late for class, thus the reason for my ticket). I think I'm going to buy a jammer -- I read it's not illegal in TX. So anyways, I'm just curious as to how high of a speeding ticket YOU were able to get excused...maybe it'll give me some hope. Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest goldraven Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 i was going 57 in a 35 couple years ago...hadn't gotten a ticket in my life...the judge didnt drop the charges...but reduced it from a 4 point 175 dollar fine. to a 1 point 40 dollar fine ticket. i'd say go to court and tell the judge your situation and one of the main things you need to express is that you wont do it again. hopefully he will reduce it. I like your signature, "you are only guilty if you are caught". sorry man, just had to throw that in. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
240hoke Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 had my 18 over dropped to 9. I recommend a laywer. -Austin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SleeperZ Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 I took my 80 in a 60 to court, officer didn't show. I think it happens more than they will admit. If he had shown up, I had nothing but my clean record to fall back on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JKDGabe Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Is it the cost of the ticket or the clean record you're worried about? If it's cost it's probably cheapest to do the defensive driving course, if record only then get a lawyer. Although I think if you do dd it keeps your record clear anyway. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Venture-Z Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Got pulled over at 155 in a 65, after a few beers, on my bike. Cop let me go with a 1-10 over. Didn't even go on my record. I think he was supprised I actually stopped. I think GOD likes me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
denny411 Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Back in the mid 80`s the cops were MUCH more likely to give warnings than now. When I first got my DL, I was the kind of driver that I hope my kids won`t be.(mostly for their own safety) If I had to go someplace more than 5 miles away, you could bet that I would hit 100mph on the way. I can sit back with friends and laugh about the things that we did, But I pray to God that my kids don`t do the same things. I don`t have enough time to go into detail of all of the tickets and warnings I recieved, not to mention the times that I ran and got away. Here`s a little summary... By 18 I had lost my dl 3 separate times, had 32 points against me @2 and 4 pts depending on the violation, Was stopped by 4 sherrifs cruizers and 3 city cops all at the same time, and my favorite past time was getting drunk,cranking some tunes, and jumping railroad tracks.(simulainiously) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest ON3GO Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 $1500 street racing ticket.. went to court, cop didnt show, judge threw it out. got very lucky there, also lucky i wasnt brought to jail in the 1st place. mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fl327 Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Ran an intersection that had cameras and they took photos of me, but never got a ticket in the mail and checked it out at central processing, no ticket. Might have helped I was doing 6000rpm WOT in third gear with 3.54s, I didnt try to run the light, I missed the yellow. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blueovalz Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 I witnessed as a passenger a test drive in a 911 turbo (not sure of the model or year) in which he (the mechanic) was clocked doing 121 in a 35 and recieved no ticket. We were on a riverside park road which was very straight and long with one slight crest in it. The lightbar of the police car (using radar) was visible over the crest from where we started, but for some dumb reason neither of us noticed. When we did notice it, the shut it down immediately and went hard on the brakes. We ended up pullin over and stopping before the police car even got up onto the pavement and to where we were, which was the one thing I think saved him (the driver). I guess the officer figured if we could stop that fast, on a no access road, then he could look the other way. Anyway, he made sure we knew this was a one time give-away, and the next time was mandatory jail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeff Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 I managed to slip on some wet pavement catch a wheel in the grass and roll my Explorer one night. The cop gave me a wreckless driving ticket and a failure to use due care ticket. The wreckless driving ticket requires a mandatory court appearance. My attorney got both of them thrown out because there were no witnesses to my driving behavior. If the stupid cop had just given me a careless driving ticket I would have accepted it because I deserved it. Since he tried to nail me hard I ended up getting everything thrown out. I was very lucky. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest smoov280zx Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Like another poster said, I also got 57 in a 35, but the cop was on happy juice or something. I didnt even try to kiss his ass, just told him i didnt know what the speed limit was, which was the truth. Maybe he liked my car or something because he wrote me a warning and told me to be more careful. I thanked him and drove away like a little old lady. I couldnt believe it, and I'll understand if you dont either. Talk about lucky. Mitch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gramercyjam Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Pulled over in my Vette by the DPS going 85 on the way to Dallas on IH10 once. He asked me if I knew why he pulled me over. I told him yes, because I was going 85. I told him I knew I was going 85 because I checked the speedo right when I saw you. He told me to slow down and have a nice day. No ticket. Another time I pulled out onto deserted a state highway on Sunday AM in Upstate NY and wound my '72 Pinto with a very tricked out 4 banger and open headers up to about 100 before I saw the State Trooper in my rearview. So I pulled over before he ever hit his lights. He ended up giving a ticket for an illegal turn and a verbal warning! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikelly Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 I got popped one time when I was 17 years old... 110 in a 40... It was a life changing experience... Bottom line is I went to jail that night, car impounded, got ruffed up by the fuzz. My old man had to come bail me out... Wasn't a pretty sight... I got off with a 5mph over the limit ticket... The citing officer had a falling out with the PD over an injury that severely broke his leg during a domestic disturbance call and he was throwing all his cases... Mine was one of them. God watches over children and idiots... I 100% believe that! Mike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
V8ZRACER260Z Posted January 29, 2004 Share Posted January 29, 2004 One night a long time ago I was coming home from a DJ gig in Fredricksburg, MD at 2:30am. I was traveling a good rate of speed since there was no traffic on the road. I did notice some headlights behind me a few times. As I said I was going at a pretty good clip , so I wasn't too worried about anything behind me. Well I picked up the pace a bit to be on the safe side . As I approached my exit I couldn't quite slow down enough to make it and decided to take the next one. As I rounded the turn I hit the brakes hard and looked at all the flashing red & blues lights in front of me blocking the road. Well I figured this was a sobriety check point and given that I had just layed down a fair bit of rubber stopping. I thought it best to turn around and go back to the first exit I had missed. So now I am travelling North in the Southbound lane when I realized what those lights were behind me. Yep you guessed it, three of MD's finest blocking the road behind me. Most people would have called it quits there, BUT I had to pull another 180 and see if there was perhaps a gap in the other roadblock. Nope! Then after bit of shouting and gun pointing, all done by the police officers of course. I had surrendered my keys and freedom for the moment and was escorted to the local constables office. There I was placed in a chair and grilled by a nice police officer for reckless driving on his highway. He said a trooper had spotted me traveling at a high rate of speed while coming up an exit ramp. He had radioed ahead for back up. (ie the two other sets of lights in my rear view). These officers were traveling in excess of 125mph and were not closing ground. At one point one got a radar tag of over 175mph. I don't know if this was accurate as my 110 speedo had been pegged out for awhile. The officer was so upset when my attorney showed up he hastely wrote out a citation and had me sign it. Then I was told to remove myself from the office and that I would see him in court. Two months later I had my day in court. My attorney approaced the bench and asked to see the officers copy of the ticket. The officer brought his up and the attorney looked at them both. Then he turned them around so the judge could see them. He then asked the judge if he recognized the officers signature on the tickets. The judge then asked the officer to show him his signature on the citation. A very angry officer then told the judge in his haste he had not signed the ticket. The judge dropped all charges and I was free to go. Sometime it pays to have your day in court. Now that I am older and wiser I do not advocate driving at that rate of speed on public roads. This is what racetracks are made for. .02$ Rick Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zguy95135 Posted January 29, 2004 Share Posted January 29, 2004 Quote At one point one got a radar tag of over 175mph what were you driving? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest BigWhyteDude Posted January 29, 2004 Share Posted January 29, 2004 Im dieing to know what you were driving Andrew Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
denny411 Posted January 29, 2004 Share Posted January 29, 2004 PINTO? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavy Z Posted January 29, 2004 Share Posted January 29, 2004 Thanks for sharing that one. What were you facing had you not got the lucky break? I'm betting it was a mercury sable, or possibly a reliant k. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
majik16106 Posted January 29, 2004 Share Posted January 29, 2004 yah, i got pegged at 163 in a 65... haha. got pulled over and was told by the cop, that it was "too cool, yet so stupid to watch, that I (he) could not give you (us) a ticket because I (the cop) would feel bad". followed by firm threats if we were ever caught again, i definatly had by tail between my legs. It was my old supra, i was racing a ferrari 355 f1 FYI- i wont ever Do that again, and all my spirited driving is done is VERY short bursts and not close to that speed... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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