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Aerodynamics DONATIONS NEEDED!!!

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I appreciate the thanks, but honestly, That's not what this was about. The point was that if someone was upset over not getting a personal thank you for their donation, or for not getting a personal update on the testing, then maybe they didn't fully understand the point behind opening this up to the masses. The fact that a few people made some inappropriate comments shouldn't surprise me, given the fact that we're dealing with all walks of life. But for some of the comments to be made, it was just a bit much...


Oh well... Let's move on. BJ, John and others are moving forward with their plans. I'm super-stoked.


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I agree, Mike. From what you saw of my response to the post there at ZC.C I think I summed it up pretty well. Phil really didn't have any reason to post what he did on the followup--it only goes to counter to constructive commentary (not something high on that site's list of priories). Phil does a lot with his site to get knowledge dispersed, and undoubtedly will help disseminate what information is gleaned---but the 'I haven't gotten a thank-you' only leads to counterproductive thoughts regarding this effort, and was innapropriate. ANYTHING posted on ZC.C regarding this testing is irrelevant. Contributors know (or should know) where the APPROPRIATE forum is to address the progress. ZC.C is NOT an appropriate forum for such discussion.


Like I said there, 'there is a reason it's being done there and not here'---it pretty much sums it up. There are those there who will continually throw sarcastic stones because their minds are so small they don't appreciate the curiosity/yen for knowing. And by knowing, I mean hands-on. There are some who say this 'has been done' by this magazine, or Nissan itself.


To those people, I say "Show me the results, and where they had the tests performed". Likely Nissan did some testing, but it was more for product improvement of the next generation S130, and not as a precoursor or developmental step to the S30 in the 60's.


I look forward to the testing results, not that it will help me presonally, but because as I said at the outset: Because I want to know the real story, and not something of nebulous origin that has been parroted for 30+ years.


And to confirm my testing doen in the early 90's when I had more time than money. No more money now, and even less time...

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An engineer friend of mine expressed an FYI about wind tunnel testing. He just wanted us to be aware that, because the ground in the tunnel is not moving relative to the car and the wheels are not spinning, the real world vs. tunnel data will be slightly skewed. He was merely trying to make us aware of any possible shortcomings of a tunnel test and to prepare us better up front for some possible unexpected results. Although, neither of us know how "our" particular tunnel operates, and, if there are any correction factors for this shortcoming.



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I think this testing station does have the option for rolling road. It's earlier in the post where BJ was posting photos and giving more details. Wether we use that or not I don't know. In either case, the time is close, and I can't wait to see the results, rolling road underneath, or not!


Baited Breath...

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I would have to say that most (other) sites not only have poor admin but also would rather spout off at the mouth than sit back and listen. The info on this site is nothing less than mind boggling as I have lurked in the shadows and tried to pick up tidbits of info that I can use :icon29: instead if having a thousand posts and no knowledge . This is the only site that has the WANT AND KNOW HOW to do what is being accomplished. THANK YOU HYBRIDZ :cheers:

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  • 3 weeks later...

We were asked by the dyno operator to move the date. We've done that because it gaven JT1 the chance to get his hands on a perfect Gnose, and it gave BJ more time to finish up the pantera hatch. Unfortunately I may not be able to attend because it's going to be mid april now.


We'll update you guys on it as we get closer to the day. We can't have 800 people there guys. We wouldn't be able to get the job done if we announced the date.


Anyone with serious concerns or wanting a refund contact me offline, but this actually worked to our benefit... We REALLY wanted to get a Gnose in the mix.


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Guest TeamNissan

Ya, I think its def better the Gnose included. I'm betting its going to really help lower the front coefficient.

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UPDATE ON AERO TESTS....... Due to a scheduling conflict at the facility, a new date in late April has been secured. Also, we have been promised the support of MSA and APR Performance. MSA will be sending us a few items we are missing from their line up of aero parts and APR will provide an adjustable rear wing to be tested.

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There is only one Z site... and this is it. All others are just a place for kids and kid minded to act stupid and bitch about things they can never understand. I admire that as long as the topic is "gearheaded" someone is always willing to share even if it isn't Z related. Thats why I'm still here... Keep up the good work... and as far as the other sites... %% em!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, it is very near, and we'll let you folks know the day of the test, after the test is complete. We've invited a few people to attend who will be helping work on the cars/ parts. We hope to have everything well documented! Stay tuned gang! We're with about a week of this project finally being pulled off...



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Man, I totally missed the boat. I think the last time I read this thread it was so full of bickering that I moved on ;)


Mike, BJ, et al - are you in need of anything (money, parts, beer) for the wind tunnel test day? Im very interested in the results and would like a chance to chip in too.




- Greg -

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Ya, I think its def better the Gnose included. I'm betting its going to really help lower the front coefficient.


If Im correct wasnt the problem with the Z that it had to much lift and not to much drag(front coefficient)?


Im guessing all the information gathered from this will be a sticky?

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