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Anybody have any _________ dreams they want to share?


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A very interesting topic I like to discuss with friends is weird dreams we have. I don't ever have any scary dreams or recurring dreams other than me swimming and trying to breathe under water. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't but I always remember that I have before (in dreams of course) and also remember that sometimes I can't and sort of choke. I did have a matrix type dream a couple years ago. Some new sports car had just come out and a friend of mine was letting me drive his that he just bought. I was driving around town and getting on it a little to see what it had. I wasn't very impressed so I figured I would take it up on the loop and see if it was any better. I got up to about 60mph and punched it. First it gave me something of a fast and furious blur like when they hit the nitrous and then my view went way outside the car to the car's passenger side sky view and (while I was suspended in stupid fast acceleration) the view did a 180 around the back of the car. It was sweet.


So, what kind of dreams do you have?

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Atleast a few times a week I have dreams in which I am just doing every day things. Some time later, maybe a month, maybe a few years, what I was doing in those dreams comes true, that deja vu stuff. It probably happens once a week. I used to write all my dreams down in a notebook and then when they came true I could go back in the dated notebook and show people, it got really weird.

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Here is one I remember from like 5 years back.

I woke up and told my girlfriend, I had dreamed of me getting to work @ like 9:20 or 9:40 wich is late, I go in @ 9am.She said well take off earlie wich I did.

Got on the freeway and it was fine till like half ways.I had the dream in my mind and kept thinking about it.When I arrived @ work it was exatly the time I seen in my dream.


Another one was were I dreamed lots of numbers wich were suppost to be the loto's, I woke up and remembered them but I don't like playing loto so I don't know how those turned out.


This is not a dream but its something that I look back and can't believe up to date.It was in the earlie 90's... I had a feeling of looking for something, I told like 4 or 5 friends to go look for gold and they followed me...It was raining that day, I was guiding them towards a high school with a creek most of them were infront of me...We were halfway when I see something shine, a drop of water hit the spot, I saw it shine and there was no sun out.......So I told them to get back and I dig lots of jewlery out...

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I had a dream that I knew I was dreaming. Then I started doing anything I wanted. Flying, changing into different things. It was cool when I woke up I knew exactly what had happend. I remembered that I knew I was just dreaming.

That's called "lucid dreaming" and you can actually train yourself to do it. Pretty cool stuff. I had a friend who was pretty into that whole thing read books and all that crap.

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Phil, I have that happen occasionally, usually after I wake up from a bad dream, then fall back asleep and the same damned bad dream comes back..only now Im aware im in control... pretty cool when that happens. Thats when I pound bullies, bang ex's and my Z actually runs right..hehehe

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Had a dream in which I can fly, but once I got up in the sky, I can't keep myself afloat, then I began to fall back to the ground(water). The surrounding is strange too. The background is all one color blue-green-ish. Only some tall tower/buildings that are transparent like prisms.


Tried "lucid dream" one time, was able to dream AS IF my soul left the body and wondering around. I walked down stairs and then went right thru the door without opening it. The environment outside is exactly like my neighbourhood, time of day is also right(night time). I was able to jump really high and bend concrete. Was bit by a dog but the dog realizes he can't hurt me so he let go of my arm. Later in the dream I decided to look for girls but saw a water boiler building pressure and felt the urge to "go back" and then I woke up and realized that I had a urge to go to the bathroom to pee. Haven't been able to do it again after that one time.


Had a strange dream about a mountain covered in centipedes once....

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I've had a lot of interesting dreams. I have a recurring Zombie attack dream, sometimes it's all good like Charlton Heston's "Omega Man" where I'm the last regular guy, but it's ok, and other times I'm getting attacked and it's panic time. I had a dream once where I was a whale, and I was following a car on a road that ran near the sea. I jumped off a waterfall (one of those wtf?! moments that don't get questioned until after the dream) and then my view pulled back a little bit and I could see the blue whale that was me majestically soaring through the air with a Golden Gate bridge below and in the distance with whatever car I was chasing still driving on it.


By far the best was the "crab hunter" dream I had. In the crab hunter dream, I went to an island with a bunch of strangers, where you check in at a desk so they issue you some black powder firearms. Then as a small group we went out to hunt some large crabs that inexplicably lived in a giant mound like termites in Africa. I remember their claws waving around fom holes in the mound, and we shot a few. Then it kind of turned into this wierd deal where one of the guys was trying to sabatage the trip and kill everybody. I don't much remember the rest. I drew a picture based off of it, I had written in down right after I woke up because it was just too good to lose (I was planning to make a short comic book from it and submit it to a contest I found out about www.tokyopop.com rising stars of manga-but I never finished it).


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I have dreams of adding twin turbo's to the 355 in my Z. Cruising down the freeway to the soothing turbine whistle. Laying in wait for the next unsuspecting victim to take notice of my lowered stance and large rolling stock, thinking they might have found some easy prey. Its the dead of night and we line up at around 70mph. On the signal I rocket away as if the other car is anchored to a tree. The acceleration is rediculous and downright scary...but I like it! The tires claw for all the traction they can muster. The cockpit is filled with the scream of the turbos as I watch the speedo rapidly sweep through its range in just a few seconds. I let off to the sharp sound of boost pressure being released and look at the dot in my rearview that was my competition. My heart is racing, my face is grinning and I still have 10+ psi to tune in!


Then theres the one where im falling..

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I worked for a certain very large ice cream company for two weeks and I HATED my life. It was a 4am-6pm kinda job and I'm FAR from a morning person. Anyway, I kept dreaming I was stocking 1/2 gallons of ice cream but couldn't figure out where they went, eventually I would figure it out but there were so many more that I had to do. While I have dreams like this I'm always tossing around a lot in the bed and I'm relieved when I wake up. I have had one or two dreams like this where I work now but it was when I first started and they stuck me machining by myself. The previous machinist had a guy that would machine extra stuff that they needed at night but I didn't get that luxury and I had only been machining for a month! Anyway, that particular dream definitely means that you feel overwhelmed(/hate your life).

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I had a dream the other night that I was a personal assistant/ "life coach" for some trailer trash family that wouldn't do what I said and made me like a slave for them, but I was OK with it. They lived next door to a mexican family with several kids who were really nice. I really don't know what that all means.


Two weeks ago a kid at my school got a 2002 Mustang GT and this week end I had a dream that he died (don't know how) and I got his car some how. I was really angry in the dream for some reason, too.

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