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update on the Superturbo (m90 and t3/4) header is on


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The header and the turbo mounted on my mock up engine


the header itself with the bung for the EGT






I will use my internal waste gate for now as it should be sufficient for the boost the turbo will run.

If not at least the engine will be in the bay so i can see where i have space left as it is getting cramped!


Its coated now, so all i need to do now is heatwrap it.


Next project is the plenum for the ITBS but that is well on its way

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Yes it will fit between the frame and clear the steering rack. Note it will go in a s130 so i think there is little more room there compared to an s30.


Also the picture makes it seem further off the engine than it is.


here a picture of the mock up process it shows it a bit better!



Also you can see the EGT


The turbo will feed the supercharger and that wil be inter cooled and feed the plenum on the ITB's i have a special grind isky cam, fully ported head, nismo valves, H BEAM rods (carillo nock offs) Ross pistons and ITBS


very pumped on this as it all seems to fall in place now.

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Its great to see your progress!

What RPMs do you think you will get boost? This thing is going to be sweet!


i dot really know but the turbo is set up for minimal lag aswel with a special WRC exhaust housing.

Im hoping for 1500 to be honest might be a bit on the positive side.

But at 2k for sure given the size of the SC pulleys.

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So what are your goals for the motor? Not just power but application.


I like that you're sticking with a smaller turbo and not going all out (from the looks of it). You could very well see one of the best NET AVE hp levels out there. Who knows.


I definately want to follow this project, keep it up!

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Keep in mind, the turbo is the first stage of compression, the supercharger he is using was originally designed to feed 3.8L.


With 7psi turbo boost and the fixed 1.5 ratio of the blower you end up with 18psi to the engine, if it all flowmatches. Thing is the turbo can be slightly to moderately undersized as it can overspeed to feed the blower, which in turn feeds the engine. All you do is externally gate the turbo if you run into backpressure issues on the exhaust side. But with the turbo being fed 3.0+ Liters of exhaust flow, boost threshold will be much lower than if it was a single-staged setup.

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Ok, thanks for confusing me tony (first reading), now I've got to read that again...



...Ok I get it now. Thanks for the tech talk. Much rather think and get my brain juices flowing than just being spoon fed.


At any rate though I'm really interested to see the power curve of the motor.

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So what are your goals for the motor? Not just power but application.


I like that you're sticking with a smaller turbo and not going all out (from the looks of it). You could very well see one of the best NET AVE hp levels out there. Who knows.


I definitely want to follow this project, keep it up!


im actually looking and 'designing' the engine for NET AVE hp levels, I say designing as i have the cam set up that way and theoretically this should gave a fairly stable HP curve. But as with lots of things it is still all theory.


The car is a track day / hill climb / time attack car..


But i have to admit i also do it because of the project!

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interesting... most SC/turbo setups ive seen the supercharger feeds the turbo but this has been on diesel apps... its going to be trial and error with this one.. What are the spec's on that turbo? compressor/turbine wheel size?


It is a T04 (ar.80) turbine housing and a T03 Ford WRC housing it has .48 ar but is nothing like seen on a 'normal' turbo. Tony had it is hand, maybe he can comment on it.

ill look up the sheet when i get home!


The header is what we call homebrew

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Hey Frank, looking great! I really like the header. If I am in Belgium this summer, as I am planning to be, I will have to make plans to come up and see your projects if that's allright.

We got my supercharger project running (SC only) a couple of weeks ago, only to blow a head gasket on our first night of tuning. I'm getting the head surfaced and modifying the exhaust a little and hope to have it running again in a week or so.

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Pretty cool on a Z. That header is really nice too.


I saw a supercharged/ turboed WRX a few years ago. He ran a pretty big turbo (for a 2.0) and used a positive displacement SC to make boost before the turbo came on which for that would be atleast 5K. If I remember right, the turbo was a T66 or 67.

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Pretty cool on a Z. That header is really nice too.


I saw a supercharged/ turboed WRX a few years ago. He ran a pretty big turbo (for a 2.0) and used a positive displacement SC to make boost before the turbo came on which for that would be atleast 5K. If I remember right, the turbo was a T66 or 67.


Well i might need a bigger Turbo however i would like a flat curve, what you describe would make more top end and less lag. Ill keep you guys updated! this weekend ill header wrap the spaghetti incident.

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