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Z pretenders.........ugh


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So I ran into a guy that was asking about my Porsche 944 for sale and he offered me a trade for a 1968 240z. ummmm..........?


I was like did they make them in 1968? I thought they started making them in late 1969. His response was, "Yeah. They started producing them in 1964." Then it began.


On and on he went talking about all this Z stuff, all of which was wrong. Saying that stock for stock, the (V8) 350z could take a 300zx Twin Turbo hands down, no competition. Blah blah blah, basically, I can't stand people that pretend to know about the Z.


He seemed like the ricer type.

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that's because the S130 is called a Fairlady 280Z-L in japan

I found this little list showing the vin designations

*FAIRLADY Z ( S130S ) - L20E engine

*FAIRLADY Z-L ( S130 ) - L20E engine

*FAIRLADY Z-T ( S130J ) - L20E engine

*FAIRLADY Z 2 by 2 ( GS130S ) - L20E engine

*FAIRLADY Z-L 2 by 2 ( GS130 ) - L20E engine

*FAIRLADY Z-T 2 by 2 ( GS130J ) - L20E engine

*FAIRLADY 280Z-L ( HS130 ) - L28E engine

*FAIRLADY 280Z-T ( HS130J - BC ) - L28E engine

*FAIRLADY 280Z-L 2 by 2 ( HGS130 ) - L28E engine

*FAIRLADY 280Z-T 2 by 2 ( HGS130J - BC ) - L28E engine


but that's the only reason why in GT4 they call it a Fairlady 280Z-L

in the US, it's a 280zx.

So yeah, I do get really annoyed when people call the american version a 280z. because it's not. it's a ZX

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People who call an s130 a 280z really get to me as well.

I hate it when people refer to all s30's as 240z's.

It bugs the hell out of me when people think that there was a significant change in the body style from 240 to 260 to 280! My cousin swears that the 280z looks just like a 240, but only bigger. Just scaled up *rolls eyes*

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  m4xwellmurd3r said:
i thought they did make the 280zx in 78. the 280z ended in june, so wouldn't there be some late 78 280zx's out there? hmm...well, they were all probably titled as 79's if there were any...


i have a 78 s130 ......... they do exist .. in Europe even 1984 s130 turbos are sold with a doorplate that states build date 1984!


and we in Europe had a 78 260z aswel :)

Its not all wrong just different in markets .. though the v8 350z .. well that guy has taken to many exhaust fumes ...


Nice hybrid idea btw :)

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  Mauisnow13 said:
So I ran into a guy that was asking about my Porsche 944 for sale and he offered me a trade for a 1968 240z. ummmm..........?


I was like did they make them in 1968? I thought they started making them in late 1969. His response was, "Yeah. They started producing them in 1964." Then it began.


On and on he went talking about all this Z stuff, all of which was wrong. Saying that stock for stock, the (V8) 350z could take a 300zx Twin Turbo hands down, no competition. Blah blah blah, basically, I can't stand people that pretend to know about the Z.


He seemed like the ricer type.


Well it was at least nice meeting you!;)

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What's worse are the people that insist that they're right. You can be like "Dude, I own one, I should know", and they still won't believe your corrections and will continue seeding misinformation.


Lol, you hate telling about your 280z? Try telling someone you have a 260z, all I get around here is "huh?".

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Quote from my uncle a few weekends ago (who's a car nut who's been modifying his own cars now since the 70's)


"I really like the 240Z, but the 280Z was kinda known for being rattly."


Now, I get where he's comming from, but you have no idea how hard of a time I'd have convincing him how similar the two cars really are, and that if anything the 280Z should be LESS rattly due to being a slightly stiffer chassis with heavier doors etc.


In my experience the older the person, the harder they are to correct on information, no matter how wrong. That's the refreshing thing about meeting other people my age. We all tend to listen to eachother equally. The guys my age that won't listen to facts or advice are just the type of people I'd avoid anyways.


Nothing beats the owner of a mustang I saw a video of years ago. It was a 99-04 mustang with almost every badge you can imagine. Saleen stickers, cobra snakes, SVT badges, etc. The guy with the camera is talking to the owner about the car:


"Wow man, does that have a turbo?"


"Yea, it's got a turbo."


"Aww man, that must be sick. Do you have a supercharger too."


"Yea it's turbocharged. supercharged, the works."


"Wow, do you have a rotary in there?"


"Yea man, it's got everything."


"Oh man, rotors, pistons, valves and all that?"


"Yea, yea, yea"




I almost died laughing when I first saw that video. Wished I'd saved it.

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  TrumpetRhapsody said:
What's worse are the people that insist that they're right. You can be like "Dude, I own one, I should know", and they still won't believe your corrections and will continue seeding misinformation.


Lol, you hate telling about your 280z? Try telling someone you have a 260z, all I get around here is "huh?".

I own a 260z and I can vouch for this.. In one day I spoke with 3 people who asked me if it was a 280z. When you respond with "no its a 260 with a 1982 280zx engine" The look on their face is usualy :confused:. At least one of them actualy had some Z knowlage. But on the flip side of things, I still enjoy talking to non infomed Z enthusiests. Everyone loves a Z and only current or previous z owners are going to know the ins and outs like we do. (unless they worked at a autoshop durring the 70's and 80's)

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  blackedoutz said:
some guy explained to me that the 300zx came with a v8 in the late 80's.


You mean they didn't?????????? I jus bought a 300ZX and it had a V6. Dam, I coulda had a V8!


  gollum said:
In my experience the older the person, the harder they are to correct on information, no matter how wrong.


Yeah, get that all the time about my project 260Z.


You mean a 240?


No, 260.


What's that?


Oh well, forget it I'm old too!

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The best one I came across so far happened this past weekend while car browsing at Nissan then I walked into parts. I was looking for a '75 280Z ballast resistor for my friend. The parts person types into FAST and searches "resister"...zero results, I said you spelled resistor wrong... he kept going. :icon52: Then clicks on 280ZX, I said it's a 280Z / S30, he then clicked on 240SX and I proceeded to throw up on the counter. He said "looks like it don't go back that far". I said you’re kidding me, he said we don't have that “projector thing†I said you mean a microfiche. He said "no can you come back on Monday and we'll call Nissan"? I said thanks for your time, mumbled and walked out!!! :fmad:


I did play a joke on a kid at last year’s Ztoberfest in Richmond. My Z had the SU on the turbo motor while I was breaking it in. Some kid was looking at my Z and said “where is the turbo?†I said I put it in the trunk to balance out the 50/50 weight and he was like cool. I had him going for like 10 minutes and everyone around was trying not to laugh. Then I told him the truth and he was like...oh ok, he felt pretty dumb. :wink:

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