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Everyone Hates Car Theives


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This is why where I have my car parked, I have the battery disconnected, and fuelpump disconnected. it'll never start unless you're smart enough to figure out what I did. besides. I think it's almost out of gas. it probably won't get far lol


yeah don't think that the no gas part will work, when i was in school, I had my first 280Z stolen w/ a flat blade. as a college student i was always running on farts. well when they recovered it 3 weeks later dumped in a parking lot, the thieves had left it with 1/2 a tank of gas in it. fortunately there wasn't much damage other than scars on the fender and about 200 miles on the odo. I know because that's how close i was always cutting things. when your needle is always on E you start going by miles :wink: or you :icon14:

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I take the coil-to-distributor wire with me when I'm concerned about it. Let 'em figure that one out. If a thief can't get it started, they'll move on to easier prey unless they REALLY want the car. In that case, there's nothing stopping them.


...and may the brazen, self-indulget *expletive deleted* that took your baby have the same done to him...by the police!

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Bummer, I would hate to have this happen to me, much less anyone else. I just had someone syphon the gas from my Z over the weekend. Not quite the same as loosing the whole car though. What I've done in the past was to unhook the wires going to the coil. I've got a 280ZX dizzy on a 240Z, and I'd like to find someone who could hook those wires back up in the right sequence while leaving out the wires that don't do anything. I forget myself half the time.

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Not so hidden now is it?


I would advise anyone who has made mods to increase security to not tell a single soul about it. Especially the internet.




If a thread/subforum about security were made, I'd be hesitant to use anything in there. If such a thread were made, I would hope it would be restricted, like the aero subforum was. Only with a certain amount of posts, join date, etc. to get in.


I don't know about you guys, but whatever I do to my car to protect it will be made known to just me, myself and I.

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Hey guys, the car has been found! Luckily the car seems to be ok, and it seems they didn't drive it much more than around the block or so. The car was found less than a mile from my house, in the same neighborhood. Car seems ok other than a dead battery (alternator is going out, ran out of juice before running out of gas), and most of the stuff inside was gone.


Luckily user Nodus's picknpull parts were still there. My jack and jack stands were there still too.

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First of all I'm glad you got the car back. Now for my comments on anti theft, a number of years ago my ex-father in law installed what was more of a booby trap than a kill switch into his truck... it was not neccisarily dangerous but quite effective. What he did was he added a wire to the coil wire that ran to a hidden switch and then to the drivers seat with some bare wire threaded into the seat and seat back, if the truck was started without the hidden switch turned off whoever was in the drivers seat got the suprise of thier life.


I only saw it work once and that was when he tested it on one of my unsuspecting ex-brother in laws, although I did not know what happened until later it was quite entertaining to watch him come out of that truck like he was under attack by invisible hornets. Now I don't know how good of an idea it is to actualy make something like that for your car, for all I know it could cause problems with how the car runs, it's hard to say since poor old Sam was working on something with that truck every day or two anyway. BTW I never drove that truck and you could not pay me enough to try.



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Hey, that's great to hear. Good thing most people don't know what we've paid for all those little parts on our cars, or they wouldn't have left the p'n'p stuff.


LOL! That prick was pleaged by the the same thing that Z's are knowen for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! failure untill loved properly!


Awhhh crud, hope that everone gets this.


Ha ha. I'm pretty sure mine would fall apart too if it was in the wrong hands.

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YAY! Dude, I'm so glad you got your Z back. It really sucks to lose a baby even just for a few days. I hope the police catch the bad guys! Did they Dust for prints? (Not that that helps if a window was down...)


So how'd they Get her started? Flatblade screwdriver and a hammer? It's ridiculus how easy it is to get into these cars, and get them going. I wonder if anyone's looked into ignition swaps, or for those mega-squirters, if there's some way to prevent ignition... I bet if any of you still have the ignition interlock still wired under the seat, that you could put a switch in there then it wouldn't start w/o the switch turned on, but not all S30's had that.


1 Vote for a Vehicle Security thread/sticky et al.



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Great news on getting your car back!



It would be nice if they had a security forum that we could post to anonymously. Then Info could be shared without any one knowing the geographic location of the poster. Realistically the internet is full of great ideas for security measures. All I'll say about mine is I don't have an ignition lock cylinder in my car at all and I sleep very well at night. I have multiple systems that can be engaged depending on the location and level of security I want. Of course a flatbed or a gun changes all of that! If someone really wants your car their going to get it.





YAY! Dude, I'm so glad you got your Z back. It really sucks to lose a baby even just for a few days. I hope the police catch the bad guys! Did they Dust for prints? (Not that that helps if a window was down...)


So how'd they Get her started? Flatblade screwdriver and a hammer? It's ridiculus how easy it is to get into these cars, and get them going. I wonder if anyone's looked into ignition swaps, or for those mega-squirters, if there's some way to prevent ignition... I bet if any of you still have the ignition interlock still wired under the seat, that you could put a switch in there then it wouldn't start w/o the switch turned on, but not all S30's had that.


1 Vote for a Vehicle Security thread/sticky et al.



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