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Michael Jackson in the Hospital = heart arrest

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Now confirmed :(


This sucks............

Yeah, cause what the world really needed was one more freakish pedophile.


From another forum: What's the difference between MJ and a grocery bag?

One is white, plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with, and the other you carry your groceries in.



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I hear McDonalds is doing a burger in his honour, the Jackson burger.

a 50 year old peice of albino meat sandwiched between two 8 year old buns...


and his dying wish was to be cremated, his remains would be melted down into a playstation, so the kids could keep playing with him....


i also heard that the hospital is unsure what to do with his remains, plastic recycling day isnt until tuesday...



Seriously though, its a loss.

he was a damn good artist, with some very good music.

most of the radio stations locally have been playing a lot of his music, it was nice to hear it all again.

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growing up in the 70's that is way more important to me

Had the shirt, poster, Peter Frampton album and my 240z slot car:burnout:

Damn I'm old


"Those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end" :iagree:


Wasn't into the Jackson thing, but daym, those 70's were sweet years....

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I used to listen to some of his music.


After his personal life was exposed, I hoped he would drop offf the end of the world.


Can't figure why people would care about someone that would destroy little children in such a god allfull way. At least children are a little safer......


If it was not for my faith I would say something else, so, rip.

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