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Bernie Madoff got a 150 years!


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CNN has been dead and gone for years. I only watch FOX anymore. I'll keep quiet about the rest since no politics allowed.

Glad to see Madoff getting the years, but it will be a country club prison. He will be playing tennis and sleeping in. Hardly hard time.

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  PETEW said:
CNN has been dead and gone for years. I only watch FOX anymore. I'll keep quiet about the rest since no politics allowed.

Glad to see Madoff getting the years, but it will be a country club prison. He will be playing tennis and sleeping in. Hardly hard time.


Do you watch FOX for their comedy or made-up stories? Just wondering!

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Guest Rolling Parts

Bad verdict since it does nothing to repay society.

All it does is make society pay even millions more to keep him locked up for decades.

I'm going with TonyD on this one...

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  Arif said:
Off topic--Why am I getting more and more of my news from message boards? First the news about Billy Mays and now Maydoff. Is CNN dead?


No I just thought they were interesting stories too bad for Billy Mays 50 is young. Madoff with people's money is getting what he deserves..

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Money won't come back... Jobs neither.

My dad lost his job in the story ... and his boss.


150, 30, 10 years won't really change anything. He's going to remain in prison for life anyway...

What about the money? are we sure it is all gone? that's my concern!

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Concerned we got all the money?

I hereby revise my prior statement: Torture the hell out of the bastid first, THEN once we are convinced we've extracted the maximum pain and information from him...



Throw him to a pack of hungry pigs. Big ones.


Kill the pigs, and distribute the meat to the poor. Or to Madoff's customers. Either way, it suits me just fine.


I think incarceration is getting off way light for what he did.


WAY light. In days past there was a term: "Horse Whippin's to good fer him!"


This is one of those situations. He should suffer. REALLY suffer. And know WHY he's being subjected to it.


Only through the cleansing purification by pain may his soul be rendered clean to be judged by the almighty. "Confess, and ye shall have mercy..."


Where's my Black Hood? I'll do it.

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The sentance was a message, and a message only... The man is 72 years old and will be lucky to survive 15 years of it. Don't get me wrong, I think he should have been strung up on wallstreet, right in front of the stock exchange to send a clear message...


I told my broker that he'd damn sure better find a great spot to hide if he ever ran off with my companies fund (I am responsible for the retirements of 20 households at this point, and I do not take that responsability lightly).


Lives were ruined by this clown, and his family should be bled dry until every dime that can be had is accounted for... EVERY dime...



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We can string up the pigs that ate him on Wall Street...


I sill like the purification through pain approach. Sometimes the tried and true older methods appeal to me. What can I say?

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Part of the purpose of punishment is supposed to be deterring hypothetical criminals for committing future crimes, by beholding the sad fate of those already convicted. Some it’s about prevention, not retribution. This may work to some extent for thing such as stiff DUI penalties, but I don’t think that it will help to clean up the financial world. No matter how Medieval we might get on this guy, the upside potential of fraud and nefarious machinations still outweighs the downside. It’s hard to consistently beat the stock market, and these days even by tracking the stock market it’s hard to beat the returns that one gets from burying one’s money in the back yard and forgetting about “making your money work for youâ€. But people can and do try. Many will attempt to cheat their way to profit, punishment or no punishment.


The real financial tragedy in the past 15 years has been the lack of good things in which to invest. I remember griping a few years ago on this board how the local real estate market where I live (Dayton, Ohio) is so stagnant or even declining, while people on the coasts are making a killing just by staying in their dumpy old cottage, let alone by speculating in real estate. I was excoriated for my idly cursing the darkness, instead of getting off my lazy butt and finding real estate opportunities a few states over. That was oh-so-2006! Where is that advice-giver now? He was no fool or gambler; but I’ll wager with no fear of foolishness that he has less money now than he did 10 years ago. If even the wise and the longsuffering systematically suffer misfortunes, how can we not expect greedy charlatans to swoop in to take advantage of the less wise and the less knowledgeable investors? No amount of regulation or stiffening of penalties will fix that.

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Guest Rolling Parts
  Mikelly said:
The sentence was a message, and a message only...



The message is that if you cheat thousands of people out of their money that you get room and board for life? That's called a retirement plan, not a sentence!


If the point is to send a message so that other people won't also do it, then TonyD has it right. You gather the Wall Street folks in the square and then send a message by stringing the guy up in full view. The message should be that such behavior is not tolerated. Giving the guy a minimum security cell that protects him from the very people he's harmed borders on being a reward.


Sorry, I really get steamed when "justice" only means that society has to keep paying and paying...

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Even if he lives 150 more years, the punishment still does not fit the crime. I have very little sympathy for those who invested directly with Madoff since they had to know that the returns were out of reason.


And about CNN, does any one remember that they made a deal with Saddam to sanitize the news for the ability to stay and report from Iraq? Now that is integrity! CNN should have been tried for treason.

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