I only work in the summer so I dont have to deal with this guy much, he works for my Dads company. The company is so busy we cant really fire him and find another truck driver....here is a list of his mistakes, ALL of which are not his fault, so says him.
1. Ran truck out of fuel not once, not twice, but 3 TIMES. His excuse, "I was running late and couldn't stop for fuel"
2. Can never be on time
3. Rear ended a car because he wasnt paying his attention to pick up his sandwhich he dropped.
4. Ripped the entire front clip off a big rig by hooking the rear bumper of his trailer with another parked truck in the yard! This just happened, the hood alone is going to cost $4k.
5. And his best, he was blowing his load (no jokes please) in his tanker into a parked tanker at our shop. This parked tanker has a manway on the side, he proceeds to pump his load into the parked tanker with the side manway open! 3000+ gallons spill out and contaminate soil, $30k clean up bill!
If my dad ever leaves me in charge for one hour, im firing this idiot.