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Everything posted by Sparks280zt

  1. dont buy a remanufactured fender, buy a good used one if you want it to fit
  2. look again, that car is manual, all panteras are. Its a ZF transaxle with a 5 spd gated shifter
  3. Once you swiss cheese that Z up theres no going back.....Since your putting a v8 in it, seems like adding a few more ponies would be easier.
  4. u dont have a link to get those Defi gauges from do you?
  5. sell your porsche and she can be yours!!! thats my favorite all time car, nothing like a v8 screaming 6 inches behind your head
  6. Those are hot! What brand are those? And kinda hate to change the subject, can you elaborate on your vent set up for your AC there?
  7. I agree with olderthanme, that car that was at ZDayz is just a bling fest, and to be honest, i think the body mods and wheels weren't thought out to well. I need to get an "Allergic to Bling-Bling" shirt
  8. are those centerline hellcats? looks good
  9. All dark women are like my kryptonite! Indians, arabs, just any ethnic chick mmmmmmmmm............Sooooo lets go India! (are they even in it??) (someone photoshop a soccer ball or something in there so its somewhat related :flamedevi )
  10. Sparks280zt

    adapter plate

    none of the Z transmissions would last long with the torque of a v8, they cant handle the turbo L6s for long.
  11. Hoke Performance......where dreams come true..........and hopefully 2 z32 tranny swaps!
  12. Carolina Panthers!!! opppps i mean sry team USA
  13. I only work in the summer so I dont have to deal with this guy much, he works for my Dads company. The company is so busy we cant really fire him and find another truck driver....here is a list of his mistakes, ALL of which are not his fault, so says him. 1. Ran truck out of fuel not once, not twice, but 3 TIMES. His excuse, "I was running late and couldn't stop for fuel" 2. Can never be on time 3. Rear ended a car because he wasnt paying his attention to pick up his sandwhich he dropped. 4. Ripped the entire front clip off a big rig by hooking the rear bumper of his trailer with another parked truck in the yard! This just happened, the hood alone is going to cost $4k. 5. And his best, he was blowing his load (no jokes please) in his tanker into a parked tanker at our shop. This parked tanker has a manway on the side, he proceeds to pump his load into the parked tanker with the side manway open! 3000+ gallons spill out and contaminate soil, $30k clean up bill! If my dad ever leaves me in charge for one hour, im firing this idiot.
  14. It is a known fact that 7ms not only suffer the hg problem, but also experience rod bearing failure with great frequency. Go on any supra board and research it. http://www.supraforums.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=1647694
  15. have fun with the rod bearing failure in those 7ms! put it like this, if you had a contest where you had to keep the hood closed on both a z31 turbo, and a mkIII turbo for 5k miles (no adding oil or any fluids) i'll bet my right arm the vg will win everytime.
  16. hey that first engine shot on the red vette reminds me of that bling bling red Z i saw at Z dayz! remember, covering things in shiny boxes makes it faster
  17. The yellow car was on Meguiar's car crazy show, it is some show car built by a famous hispanic car builder, i think his nickname was "the fish" or something about fish, cant remember
  18. wow land everywhere must be outrageous! Here in NC you could have 2 houses the same size, with more land for that price! But hey, its reallllly nice and the garage sounds sweet. I just had no idea houses were that high in VA
  19. they are both for sale according to him "everything is for sale at the right price"
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