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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Well, first of all, thanks for being the only one who stepped up. Now, on my RB25 (S1) MAF, I said I had 5 prong, but now that I look at it in day light, I just noticed that it's actually 6 prong, but there's only 4 pins comming out of the MAF. So I guess that since the series 2 RB25 has a dedicated IAT sensor, it doesn't need to use the MAF for this purpose? I also see on my RB (S1) MAF that the prongs are marked as A-B-C-D-E-F and on my Q45 MAF, they're marked as B-D-E, so I guess that B,D and E are the wires that are used for MAF purposes and the other ones are for IAT, am I right here? Last one, but not the least, IF I want to use my (S1) MAF on my (S2) engine, I just have to wire B,D and E and not worry about the other ones? Thanks. Alex.
  2. Sure , but you can't discredit someone's years of work for a temporarily mounted fuel pump, + It's a freakin' drag car, I don't see mention anywhere of this being a SHOW car, so who cares if it's dirty underneath. He'll probably clean it good once the project has been dealt with thoroughly. Finally, you can't voice your opinion by stepping on someone else's head and say that we are all BLINDED by the shiny parts, it's just like if someone came up to me and told me I'm a ricer... I'm not offended or anything, but I just think that we should ALL be more careful when we speak out loud as our liberty stops where the other guy's start... no? To me, this is very arrogant.
  3. Is that an LY26 with the crossflow head or something like that? Hey Hoke!!!! You mean that your car has rust, it looks so straight and clean?
  4. Take a look at these boats, it's totally sick.
  5. R32s NEVER came with the RB25 as it didn't exist yet...
  6. I hate you mister...I work at BMW and can't even manage to put my hand on one, I've been looking for so long...
  7. :I have a Q45 MAF and a series 1 RB25 MAF(orderd the wrong one, need a series 2) and when I look at them, the sensor part in the plastic tube is identical between the two but, the Q45 MAF has an 3 prong plug anf the RB25 MAF has an 5 prong plug... what the hell?
  8. I have an champaign colored, 89, open diff., S13 and a bruised and abused 93 corolla with 350 000 Km on the counter that still runs like a charm and always start on the 1/4, even at -35 *C, but they are both not worthy enough for pics.
  9. Was hard, but finally managed to find a picture of Bill Coffey's car. I've seen this car in SportCompactCar a few years back (6-7) and it reminded me that the Z was my boyhood dream car. I had forgot about the Z, cause we hardly NEVER see any, up here in Canada. Then, forgot about the Z for a few more years, until I saw Darius's videos on the web, now I wanted an V8 Z of my own, so I bought an 73Z, which I drove 32 hours to go get. I then started to look for info. On V8 conversions, trying all sorts of Keywords in Google and this is how I found HybridZ, I typed hybridz in the search box and there it was... a site specifically named like the keywords I just used and was hooked ever since. After reading trough this site, I found out about the RB swaps and never looked back.
  10. Full race are the ones that built the Audi grey, RB26, 4WD, semi-GTR S14 240SX...
  11. Just trowing something up here, but could it be for an Auto. transmission?
  12. Ha Ha... Here in Canada, I finally found an advantage to winter, since here, the build-ups usually happen during winter, I just push the car outside, wait for it to freeze, then roll it back inside chisel away and repeat the process if you took to much of your time for cold beverages and letting the car warm up in the meantime. Lookin' good by the way. would bed liner be good for undercoating?
  13. That two engined Tiburon was featured in SCC a few years ago... Cool to see it run for real.
  14. I just when to my CP and all I can see is: THREAD, DATE, COMMENT.
  15. Well, I'll be damned, I never noticed who gave me rep. Sorry for wrong info... guess I'll loose a REP point here LOL.
  16. Well, to get Rep., you must earn it, + you don't know who left you Rep., only the comment sows in your CP.
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