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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. T28 with T3 flange. Yes, it does have the fragile ceramic exhaust wheel but, it can easily be upgraded with a T3 steel wheel and internals.
  2. Sounds like one of the spring holding the shoes in place broke. Happened to me once. (not on the Z though.)
  3. Good thing it's that far from me cause, I guess I'd be stuck with finding room for a second Z.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Datsun-Z-Series-DATSON-240-Z-1971-DATSON-240-Z-THE-HOLE-CAR-FOR-PARTS-WILL-RUN_W0QQitemZ110133264765QQihZ001QQcategoryZ6187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Was just wondering, not bashing, won't a big pipe like that hurt intake air velocity??? Please don't take this as a critic, it's a true question??? I'm asking because of the discussion I and othe rmembers had, in a separate thread, about the Q45's 4" MAF & throttle body
  6. Where does the smoke comes from? Engine bay? Exhaust???
  7. HOLY SH*%, how much is that thing worth? I guess & hope it was THE LAST one he'll ever crush!!! At least the last of your dad's...
  8. Here comes an other money pit... LOL. Just joking, great find at a more than great price.
  9. Funny, as I'm reading this, I just noticed that the "posts last 24 hours" reappeared. Thanks Administrators...
  10. The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that the ads take the room of a part of the top tool bar and I don't see my "posts last 24 hours" button anymore. Other than that, I think it's just fine, just as long as we don't see ads between posts lol.
  11. I don't see where I mentioned that you CAN'T feel torque but, what I stated earlier was taken from a fragment of my memory from one of my mechanic's school books. It was the definition of torque IIRC. On an other note, do you think you could hook me up with that guy to see if I can get a few here in Canada? Thanks. Alex.
  12. Sure Hybrids attract some crazy people... How many members are we on this sit anyways LOL.
  13. Yup, I want to stoke it with the 4.2 crank and there's 2 choices.
  14. How about taking two old ovens, make them face each other and build a box the size you need between the two? If you can get your hands on a convection oven, I THINK, correct me if I'm wrong powdercoaters, it would be good, since it works with the element in front of a fan, it distributes heat more evenly and quicker.
  15. If I have two choices of crank that I can take, both come from the same engine but, one has 8 counterweights & the other one has 12 counterweights... Which of the two cranks would be better suited for higher revs. My guess would be 8 since it's lighter and that they used 12 on the other one for smoothness... Thanks.
  16. It's a TRUCK, therfore, it's not a SHE, it's a HE... LOL.
  17. The thing is it doesn't contain the R33 wiring diagrams with color coding, it just have the ECU pin out and CIRCUIT diagram.
  18. I would just remove the sunroof and reskin the roof...
  19. The flanges are what comes out of the diff and your axles bolt to...
  20. I would go and ask for the tires back... she can take the money for her stupid USELESS tattoo and go buy herself some tires and maybe skip a drinking night or two Ho! Yeah, maybe she should get a job instead of relying on her "boyfriend's friend's girlfriend" to get around. My $0.02. I've lost so much money to so many "friends" (one of them alone owes me $5000), that I don't mind to much about loosing contact with people that take advantage of my good heart and natural tendency of wanting to help.
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