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Everything posted by woldson

  1. If you have spark from the coil than it stands to reason you will have spark at the plugs. Check wires and cap and rotor. Also fireing order.
  2. Not sure the context of those words. Now on to you, it is difficult to read and understand your approach to Z cars. I typically stay away cause I just don't get it. Now if google did me justice,,,, personally, not to happy right now concerning your comments.
  3. CandC, somehow.... Blue72 that is a great and detailed information added to myself and this site.
  4. Basics must be covered frist. Anything is possible, basics are more possible.
  5. Now may be time to break out a volt/ohm meter, Because of parts you have repalced, and the nomenclature you present I recommend you go back to the basics, very basics.
  6. LOL bravo!! In that pic that step looks huge!! I guess its just me but I don't remember any of my intakes haveing what looks like a liner in it. Nice work, now polish up the intake on the head;)
  7. The frist cam job I did, I did not let the car cool to ambient tempature!!!! I mean it was coolish to the touch but not enough. So when I pulled the towers the head warped a little and then guess what?!!!. Wait for over night just to save you a major hardach.
  8. Since you might have a hard time even asking the right question, search for efi bible a get more familiar with the car's system. It is really an easy read.
  9. Seems like great pricing as well, nice link:)
  10. Ok, personally I would check my oil pressure cut off sensor, connections. Now, I will caution you against crapping against the "machine" (those providing to us). When you are God, then kindly fault others, until then you are a lost kid just like that fellow that might have screwed up. You would not be here if you were not trying to learn. On a side note; break up your one paragraph into something easier to read.
  11. Warren you want mine? Free. Well shipping of course. I has 70,000 miles on it and will give me a reason to pull from my recent car. Said car now has 86000 on it, fan was discoed back at 70K.
  12. Seen a few with bolts missing there. I think my 82 was like that:). If I change my thermostat again I will use some anti-seize.
  13. Holy smokes, you wern't just whistling dixie!! It would help to see it mounted up some more:)
  14. "At this point with my limited tools and porting experience," Since it really won't hurt ethier way, practice, practice, practice:)
  15. Since it is not the head your working on, I would say go for it!! Obviously there are some powerhouses here that know more than I, however it stands to reason that the lip would cause vortexes that would possible inhibit flow.
  16. Uggg. What year is this z? Did you do the alternator?
  17. I will personally recommend Careless in this situation. Search abit.
  18. Do you have any idea how they ended up in Puerto rico?
  19. Wish you had tried the search button frist before all that hard work.
  20. http://www.krem.com/topstories/stories/krem2_072307_oilrefineryfire.a4c3c5b1.html This was 3 blocks north of my house. There are homes around it because they were built at a later date. Now the city won't let them rebuild because the grandfathering has changed. As a side note, I was at our wherehouse all day, which is in some of the viedos, just second building over. The fire started about an hour after I had left. I was very glad that the BIG storage tanks did not let go!!!! That was one inpressive fire, lots of big mushroom clouds!
  21. Year? Beckons me back to my past. Great to hear she coming back to life.
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