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Everything posted by woldson

  1. I've got megaton, starsceam, ram jet and a triple. These are from childhood. My mom has shockwave in the box.
  2. What dose it sound like when cranking? Sounds like a timing belt.
  3. Wonder if that is coax or fiber. Ether way, how were they going to spool it off. Coax would wiegh around 600lbs. Really cant figure out what they were up too. They also did not look like cable companies guys, not saying that we will try anything aleast once!
  4. Sooooooo???? You going to let us know?? I was like crud what was it!!
  5. Thanks for shareing with us! Great video, wonderful car!
  6. Is the J E R K for the viewer or himself?
  7. Just throwing this out, fuseable links?
  8. All I can say is crud, no idea never been there.
  9. I've done this alot. Just remove the power steering pump hoses. Have a catch can handy. The pump has no problem evacuating its own air bubbles. Add, of course, new fuild.
  10. My sebring muffler is ss and is welded to my aluminized pipe. No problem for many years, just watch for splatter onto the ss.
  11. Seems like there has been alot of new members recently. How about adding Braap's "rant" to the newbie section? This is where alot seems to be coming from. I know that I do not have much room to say much on the matter. What really sucks is my vocabulay is extensive and my spelling sucks, "catch 22", "I'am soo cold". I do add "stuff" to my typing in order to convey humor or sarcasium. Try to add a to your english paper for example.........
  12. Aluminized steal is my exught from my old zx into my new, 10 years still in great shape with no visable rust! Problay 60k of miles.
  13. Have to admit that expoxys and resin are getting inpressive. More and more car manufactures are useing "glue". I will still hesitate due to "man that seems too easy". If a product can chemiclly bond with dissimillar metals, or like, as well as a weld can...........however probley never replace non welded metal.
  14. Much more comfortable to watch. Good information as well. A few things if I may: One guy soo much louder than other interlace draws every other line horizontally than starts over with the ones left out. Then dose this vertically. Progessive draws one line after another, like computers do. Look into the laser or diode DLP's. No more color wheel promising to have the best pics of all tv's. I've seen the westinghouse, impressive for its price! Check out what the gov has done in order to have acess to all high speed customers. I'll watch the rest later, I enjoyed it much more then the frist:)
  15. The way the admins handle this is honorable. There is no point in discussing the matter because it will not change the action. Also they are being respectfull to the individual in not putting it into a public arena to for a public crap fest that would still be pointless. I would have to guess there have been times they might have wanted too, but they are also subject to their own rules and dignity;).
  16. LOL^^ Gotta have friends frist, wait mabey this will get me friends;)!
  17. Thankyou for the offer! Just quite my job after 14yrs. Have to be very, very carefull now.
  18. How about a reverse scoop? Inward instead of outwards then funneled into rear bracks?
  19. That's odd, my good luck post showed up before your post. I was thinking why is he posting the same thing again? Anyhow, good luck and have fun!
  20. That is what my zx would do when the alternater was bad.
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