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Everything posted by naviathan

  1. What kind of bike? Sounds like something is blocking the relief valve.
  2. This has been covered extensively over the years. It seems though that most feel either gasket will work on either engine head combination. A quick search will yield some very interesting threads.
  3. Apple is suppose to be removing the DRm from their music in the very near future so there is probably a way to do it within iTunes already. (Of course the CD burn and rip method is what I always did)
  4. Interesting, we have two pugs, fawn female and black male. The only time I have issues with fur is when I bath them. My only complaint is the male eats everything (including trim, carpets, moulding, rocks, etc...) and the female barks at every notion of a noise. Not to mention their just not real bright. Took our male 4 months to figure out the doggy door even after the female started running in and out of it like it was an everyday thing. They're picky about actual food (obviously not what they eat, just food and treats) and they can tear apart a stuffed animal or blanket in the time it takes you to turn around. I swear I will never get another small dog. Between these pugs and the chiuahuas my mother had when I was growing up, I hate little dogs.
  5. I'm not so much concerned with local governments wanting to increase emissions standards as much as I am an overzealous federal government pushing California like emissions on the states. Granted the article says there are no plans to expand California's standards, I don't see it being an unreasonable possability from this administration.
  6. You've got a couple of problems it sounds like. Change the oil, O2 sensor and clean up the plugs (probably fouled). Check the throw out bearing and the clutch. Make sure everything is in place spins free.
  7. The previous administration just required a plan of action to increase fuel mileage and build a better vehicle to compete in the world market today. This sets a time line and solid standards on them from what I can tell. The other part that kills me is the push for California's seperate standard which would require the auto manufacturers to build a more complex emissions system for Cali than any other state. Granted cali has always been "special" with the auto industry, but now allowing them go above and beyond federal standards is too much. Might as well just stop selling anything but hybrid/electric cars to them.
  8. Anyone read this? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/01/26/obama-issue-memoranda-expected-far-reaching-effect-auto-industry/ Seems the already ailing auto industry is about to become further in the hole. Why make things more difficult on the American auto industry when they are barely keeping afloat as is? Someone help me understand this mess I'm inadvertantly paying for?
  9. The .220 are what held everything up, but I had to order both .220 and .260 to cover both intake and exhaust. Oh and it's the large valve E88 using the same stainless steel swirl polished valves I had in my old N42 head that I botched up.
  10. After patiently waiting for what seemed like 6 months (really I think it was only 2 months) I have received my lash pads for L28. So in the near future I'll have a F54/E88, MSA Stage IV Cam, 2mm MLS Head Gasket with MS-II running Z....Hopefully....
  11. I'm curious also. I've been trying to find cost effective headlight solutions as we all know the stock lights just aren't that bright.
  12. Hasn't been done as far as I know, then again, I don't think there's much that hasn't been done with these cars. As for fab work, I would imagine there would be a lot of it to make everything mount solid.
  13. The amount of power you can get out of any L series depends on how much money you're willing to spend and how much skill you have with engine modding.
  14. Very good guy. I bought my V07 crank from him. Not only was it fair priced, but he sent me the crank out of his personal project engine when the one he planned on sending wasn't up to par. Really great guy. They have a forum on their site as well. Dragonfly and I are mods there, but it's not been frequented in quite some time.
  15. Not necessarily. Fix your injector driver problem first of all. If you need someone to fix it for you, let me know. Are you sure you're getting fuel with them connected off the inj2 feed? Remember, the injectors are fed a constant hot and the MS switches ground to fire them.
  16. He got a good deal on it. Even after repair costs it'll still be well under the cost of kit without assembly.
  17. Ok, there's a lot of residue around that right side of the chip. Check the circuit really really well. It could be a stress crack from overheating. That unit was not built by diyautotune. They know how to make good solder joints and the joints all the way around that chip and some of the adjacent components are horrible. I'd have never sent one out like that.
  18. Shipping round trip using US Postal Service Flat Rate Box (they have one that fits perfect) would be just under $18.
  19. The picture is a little fuzzy, but it really doesn't look burnt to me, it looks like it actually took and impact and cracked. That may have been exasperated by the crappy solder joints and God only knows what else. Who put this thing together?
  20. Yes you can get rid of the TB Heater ports from the stock configuration. No there is no horse power increase with the upgrade. You'll feel a bit snappier response from the pedal, but no extra ponies.
  21. 2 things: 1. the daughter card sitting on top of the board is the MS-II processor board. 2. It has all of the transistors across the top of the board including the ignition driver.
  22. Ok got it. The U4 is part of the injector circuit. Check out this circuit and make sure there's nothing else that needs replaced. If you don't feel confident about doing it yourself, let me know. I can check it out for you and make any repairs needed; And I'm cheap.
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