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Everything posted by naviathan

  1. Can someone explain to me...please...why when there is a 40 pin socket in the kit you would SOLDER THE PROCESSOR STRAIGHT TO THE DAMNED CIRCUIT BOARD!?!?!?!?!
  2. Good answer. I would have started by asking what kind of car it was first. Not much use helping if the car should be in the junkyard anyway.
  3. I know, I fried a VB once by using a dwell setting at 4. Didn't think it was that big a difference, but I found out the hard way that a VB smells horrible when the magic smoke gets out.
  4. Q16, top right corner. It'll be either a VB921 or the new BIP373.
  5. If that is truely what your dwell settings were while you were cranking, you might want to pull the cover and check your coil driver. Settings that high can easily and quickly smoke the transistor.
  6. That has got to be the best story I've ever heard. Props to that guy and I hope the theives get what they deserve as well.
  7. Neutral effort not punishment... BRAAP, you were on the debate team weren't you? That's the most nonconfrontational, positive spin way of putting that I can think of.
  8. Yeah, I know, but at the same time I paid for them to be the right size.
  9. Something smells funny and for once it's not my Z...
  10. Yeah, that's who went through. I called them today and they're ordering more, but it'll be at least another two weeks.
  11. !@#$%^&&!!! I'm very irritated right now. I measured my lash pads the other day just to be sure and the ones marked .220 were .260 and the ones marked .260 were .260. So I have all .260 pads...Thats not going to help.
  12. Yeah, probably a good idea. I've worked on a turbo MR2 and I must say, I'll never own one.
  13. Courtesy has the 2mm? Are you sure? Courtesy orders through NISMO just like Motorsport Auto does so I'm curious if they can actually get the 2mm anymore. What size did you order?
  14. Seems like the type of chick that would prefer something along these lines: http://www.google.com/product_url?q=http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-67261-24966-0/2%3Fmpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fcgi.ebay.com%252FELECTRIC-WATERFALL-PICTURE-%252526-PHOTO-HOLDER-NEW_W0QQitemZ320318347624QQcmdZViewItem&fr=APf6NaRMID5cwRKSkrs0u7wBHOI9ZwcEneS5dFbr9Qf5kjwLUhlD_PhWy5q9DoTlMJ4OMRifPyAoyhbZ_OL7nndGv0zTonOCQMULN2bAEZet_QdFxKEOkmv8ziEh1d2u4k9H8afqHjRwgOHAME6frOC2kM9PtD_gF70KDd2osnj9u6J-vq1tmS0b30H9DI9pOr5wPH_ZnMoc7aFf0K4S-t4DITT5YRdtOZQwfFSllb9K5MY0adGGZQp7TyA2u55p3T40d-mrqCNxakXOeAK2o98AAAAAAAAAAA&gl=us&hl=en&sa=title
  15. $32,250 with the 3.8L and $37,250 with the 4.6L. The difference is 290HP versus 375HP respectively.
  16. Not sure if anyone is using them yet, but i've been eyeing the Xe7 setup for almost 2 years. They're suppose to drop right in place of regular 7" round head lights. The only thing stopping me has been the price.
  17. Search the archives. There's several members here that have done this without a problem, but there are details to keep in mind.
  18. cygnus is right. Get the engine running right before worrying about making more power with it. The simple answer is yes, the engine should be fine to boost so long as there's nothing else wrong with it. you'll need either aftermarket EMS or the Turbo ECU and some tuning skills to do it (among other things). Get her running right first, then we'll talk about boost.
  19. Ok this thing is driving me insane. I'm going to have to desolder the whole processor socket to get it out. No idea what I'm going to do from there, but I'll figure something out. I might drop the proc in my MS to see if it works or not. Fortunately I have good DMM again to check things over with.
  20. Most common that I know of are the 9mm L24 rods. In combination with the KA24 pistons and LD28 crank you get a 3.0/3.1L L6. 8mm and 9mm refer to the bolt thickness.
  21. DRZ man, Do you have some clearer pics of this MS box?
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