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Everything posted by deja

  1. I am going to have these for a 240Z for sale soon. I am convereting to MM billlet front hubs which requies a different spacer. Let me know if you are interested. Also you can get those spacers from http://silverminemotors.com/main.sc. BTW you need 4x114.3 not 4x100. The 240Z and 280Z use different thinckness spacers.
  2. Its all about the wheel offset to determine how well they fit. If you end up with 0 offset using spacers 17x7 will fill the wheel well fine. I am running 17x7 with 40 offset and 36mm (1.4") spacers to get close to 0 offset. I use 215/50 tires that fill the openings.
  3. I bought some rear bumper 260 to 240z bumper converson brackets from him a few years ago.
  4. I have Corvette C6, same as C5. These have a flat bottom aluminum frame so I just made adapters from 1x 4 rectangular tubing and welded them to the stock 280Z tracks. The 1" added a little height to the seat, you could use less if you wanted to set lower. I then just drilled some holes in the seat frames and bolted the adapters to the seats. Sorry, no picts of the adapters. I had custom leather covers made by a licensed Corvette Upholster near Atlanta
  5. Make a puller. Take a piece of steel or even aluminum 1/8" thick. Drill 3 holes that match up with the 3 holes on the grant adapter. Drill a hole that will be threaded in the center for a 3/8" bolt. Attach this to the grant adapter using its threaded holes and start tigntening the center bolt, the adapter will pop offf very quickly. You'll spend more time amking it than using it, LOL. Sorry about the bad pict quality.
  6. I know thats right. Not a lot of the bolt from behind ones around but they are still available. No clue if the newer ones would work on a S30 at all.
  7. That's the plan if I can find someone that can do it. Ross from MM seems to have been kidnapped by aliens, nobody has heard from him in weeks. I will hit some local machine shops next week. I hear ya, these cars have a tendency to be an expensive hobby, LOL.
  8. I used the stock '94 Z28 shifter. I did cut a little of the tunnel out to lower it about 2 inches.
  9. You are correct, early 300zx has the setup similar to 280Z, later turbo models have the round hub with the rotors with no way to bolt the rotor from the rear.
  10. I'm having enough problems trying to go with what has been done before, LOL.
  11. I will try a couple local machine shops first. Did your shop add the extra metal like the MM ones? The spacers you used are 36MM? I will need to get them made too. Of course the hubs I got were 88 turbo! I sent them back today.
  12. I wish I was halfway there. I can't seem to get hold of Ross from MM (like everyone else) so I don't know where I can get my rear stubs modified or get the front brake spacers. But Atlanta is a big place there must be someone here that can do that.
  13. Thats a tough call. In a perfect world you want 0 offset. But given the tires size, fender and strut clearance it hard to know. You'll have harder time in the back than the front. I would error on the minus side rather than going too positive. Being off .2" isn't too much. I'm off a little over .1". Be sure to ask about the center bore. But you can always hog that out witha dremmel too, not a huge issue. Good luck
  14. Don't those wheels you looking at have both bolt patterns? But try these guys http://www.ezaccessory.com/Wheel_Adapter_4_Lug_4_5_To_4_Lug_4_5_p/4450-4450.htm They have a 1.25" which will get you close (35mm is 1.37") and you can specify your car so the lugs are right. And you can call them to make sure of everything. Sorry I don't know the center bore of our cars. I measured the bore on an adapter I have at 2 7/8" which is 73mm. Our cars are lug concentric, not center bore concentric so as long as the adapter/wheel will clear the hub you're good to go.
  15. I am running a 17x7 40 offset wheel with 1.5" wheel adapters. I'm running an LT1 but no where near you 500 RWHP you're talking about. Safety is a debatable issue but IMHO if you do proper maintenance like checking torque on the adapters before racing you should be fine. Just my opinion based on what I have read, no real data to back that up. 25mm is only .98". That gets you closer and might be enough. Search for wheel adapters instead of spacers. If you use just a spacer you'll need longer wheel lugs to make up the difference. Adapters bolt to the hub and have their own lugs.
  16. Shhhhhish!! So its 5 lug hubs 84- 87?? Oh man I hope I have the right rotors. Nissan 300ZX 5 Lug 84 85 86
  17. What 300zx is the one in your pict from? Even though the guy I got mine from is giving my money back he still claims they are for a 88 Turbo 300zx. I thought I read here that all 84-89 5 lug 300zx hubs were the same.
  18. Well the guy I got them from is going to give me a refund.
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