No need to call people names Sugee-san. I am not a stupid cowboy. I've never seen phoenetic romaji in the way your original signature was posted. I understand that your signature was originally written so 外人could read it but the phoenetic spelling gave me a bloody headache. Considering I had just finished my Japanese final for the semester before responding to your original post, my mental anguish concerning such romaji is understandable. I approve of the edit to your signature. Much better . In all honesty yahoo auctions is the only place I've ever seen the jdm tail lights other than ebay. At those prices you might as well devolop your own mold. I can't see paying over 1000 for tail lights. I am off to play レイディアント シルãƒãƒ¼ã‚¬ãƒ³ now.