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Everything posted by BLOZ UP

  1. Cough, cough, cough, I think I'm getting sick. Better take off from work early... EDIT: Yup, really got sick all of the sudden. I need to play some GT5 to really help digest this medicine.
  2. My 77s fuel pump had no screen and it kept getting clogged. After I cleaned the tank and added a prepump filter, it was still noisy and couldn't flow enough at high load, specifically it would hit a wall at WOT around 4000; the pump was bad from inhaling rust for so long. I have a new pump now, some Summit cheapy that happens to flow more than the autozone stock replacement and it was cheaper, even after Summit's "free" shipping, and handling.
  3. Depends on how you define throttle response. If you want your engine to have on and off throttle response, like a pushbutton instead of a pedal, then I suppose the largest throttle body you can find works. However, I prefer a gradual climb in airflow that is a lot more proportional to throttle valve angle. Any engine of X size is going to have a flow ceiling in the throttle body (TB) area. The bigger TB you have, the higher the ceiling for the throttle body. OEMs more or less match the throttle body to the engine size. If you increase the TB size and keep the same engine, all you do is increase the ceiling, whether or not the engine can actually reach it. But since your engine still flows the same as it did before, you get to the engine's max flow at whatever RPM, at lower throttle valve angles. Perhaps there's a marginal increase in flow overall due to the plate being less of a restriction compared to overall throttle body area, but it's not worth it unless you are really shoving lots of air in the motor.
  4. You're oil pressure won't be optimal if there's nothing installed in the oil pressure hole, but something should come out of it.
  5. Make sure the pre-pump lines and the inlet screen (if any) are clear.
  6. So you don't have a gauge to measure?
  7. That's assuming all cars are built equally safe. I suppose now large SUVs are required to meet the same safety standards of cars, but that wasn't always he case. An H1 may fair better against a Honda Fit, but if two H1s collide, you're both screwed.
  8. I think you should shoot as many handguns as you can, especially if you can borrow it for free. The more palm time you have the better you will be able to select a handgun that you like for whatever (CCW or not). But, meh, this thread's going downhill fast. I suppose I'll help out: "I think we should get some Four Loko and have a party before we go to the range, though."
  9. They're pretty much SA... although they advertise them as DA: http://members.cox.net/guntraining/glocks.htm
  10. The main thing CHL classes go over is avoiding all these situations, doing everything you can to NOT have to use force.
  11. It has to be a 30.06 sign for it to mean anything...
  12. You kind of have to wear a helmet and full harness with a cage for it to not kill you...
  13. I just didn't like the trigger feel combined with the recoil of the .40. That, and the case failure reports pretty much ruined any ideas about reloading.
  14. "You handgun is used to fight your way back to your rifle." -Boston's Gun Bible You can keep a loaded handgun in your glove box now without a CCW license, thanks to Texas' version of the Castle Doctrine. You can also open carry rifles and shotguns in some areas (rural). A lot of city ordinances don't allow it. But I wouldn't try it anyway... You can also keep your handgun/shotgun/whatever in your car at UTA, but that doesn't help you when you are walking away from your car. It's also a bad idea since the UTA parking lots are a popular auto theft/burglary spot. Ask me how I know.
  15. Your the first one to mention anything about murder. The mere mention of guns on this forum doesn't necessarily mean that someone wants to kill anyone. But I will make a somewhat political statement, if someone's charging full out at you and you know they intend to kill you, how will taking out your cell phone and dialing 911 help you?
  16. I had a Glock 22, which was a little too much for me. I have a G26 now and love it! The trigger pull is uh, well it's a Glock, but it's a great concealed carry weapon. My friend got a Springfield 1911 and after getting it fixed, he loves it. I want one now, but I've got enough firearms for my budget at the moment. You're old enough to carry?
  17. RB25s are cheap on ebay... with transmissions even.... Hmmmm
  18. Ya RLY, if the screen is dead just use dban on the disk, and be done with it.
  19. If you have recovery discs, use dban (http://www.dban.org/). Otherwise, delete everything personal on it, and use sdelete (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897443.aspx) to clean the free space. Or, since it's Vista, just let the next person purchase Win7 for themselves.
  20. The screenshot was posted on 4chan, not the original post. That's not to say that's true, but more likely so.
  21. Why don't you want to troubleshoot the issues you are having with the stock EFI?
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