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Everything posted by Twoeightnine

  1. If it's a must that the point "B" bracket stay on the left. Extend the rod further and flip the bracket at point "B" over (facing the other direction). Maybe rotate bracket "B" CCW 30 degrees. There will still be a slight angle issue but the swivel linkage should be able to handle that. Your need is to get them over top of each other as close as possible. Gotta take off for Oklahoma in minute but I'll check back in the morning. Want to get some more info. Talk to you then!
  2. What about...extend rod at point "B" approx 3" or so and then rotate bracket at point "B" 180 degrees clockwise. That way the rod end at point "B" would be over bracket at point "A"? Visualize from pic 2 point of view.
  3. Damn the bad luck! Last I remember you just needed to know what not to pick up so I posted the above to let you know what ones that I have. I would like to have as much of the set as possible! i dont want you to busting your ass however. Next time you get a chance, give me a hollar. No prob. Thanks again!
  4. Yep! Click here. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=113540&highlight=cooling+hybrid
  5. Darn...... No more Choros? Bummer.... I'll see if I can drum up the site that I found the original Wangan lighters. Thanks for your time Terry.
  6. Good deal. Was getting worried. I need more Ross stuff!!! Family can be hell.
  7. Nice Z!! I can almost smell it!! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Thats why you need to sling her! I have seen people play with her for hours. They always wind up thrashing on the poor gal. Squash the screen down and whip er!!
  9. There they are. Minus the Skyline. Some one said to me, "hey thoes look like penny racers". Guess what? They are! Just slip a penny behind their asses. No doughnut. Went about 80 feet or so. With out the penny they do nice burn outs however!!
  10. Tis true. She is not the type of lady that one would call voluptuous. Thats why you need to sling her!
  11. I have about 30 e-mails stored from him but, after looking through them, I see no phone number. Just this... www.modernmotorsports.com And this.... Modern Motorsports Ltd sales@modern-motorsports.com I hope he is OK, I want to buy some more parts! Ross, you out there?
  12. Remember this one? You can whip her pretty good. Reduce the window height but leave it stretched out and she will get really small so one may whip the little beeeach! Put your cursor on her hold down the left button to drag. When you let the button go it releases her. http://www.planetdan.net/pics/misc/tetka.html
  13. I wish Terry mucho luck with the lighters! I want one to sit in the center console next to the miniature S30!
  14. You are the man! Glad you got your HybridZ wear! The locals will be jealous. Only have a few of the shirts left. Most likely going to keep the rest. Im finishing a new "Z" shirt however. It features a computer generated front shot of an S30 with a big ol "Z" behind it! I frimly believe that folks will like em. Maybe you can test drive one for me. Would be my pleasure. OK I have #34, 54, 39 and the 2000 GT. I gave the Skyline (#12) to boost punk so I could use another. You can always include another s30!!! Need some front monies? Give me the amount and it shall be done. Thanks again!!
  15. Very cool Terry. I brought the cars to work today. Why? Well Boostpunk wanted the Skyline GTR so I brought the rest to show off. We have a labratory like smooth floor here so each one took a trip across the floor and then back in the box. Had to test em! The S30 actually did a double doughnut and still shot across the floor ten feet. Doesnt take much of a pull back either. What would be the chance of getting the whole set? Seriously. I'll take care of ya brother. The lighters....same deal. Mucho want!!! You are the man!!!!
  16. Boy howdy. You can tell that this was posted on a monday! I have seen/heard brand new cars thumping and buzzing as they went by. You know BOOM, BUZZZZ, BOOM, BUZZZZ. Hell pull the latch out and throw it over your shoulder!! I mean there isn't much you can do to tighten up the hatch but to add new seal. Adjust the latch. Maybe even remove and shave down the upper latch loop to shorten it? Or get some decent pipes and listen to that sweet song!! I'm not bagging on ya, just teasing. Hell you should hear me go down the road in my Dodge. It has a factory unit in it that will blow the dust out of the cab and kills flies in mid flight! Peace...
  17. Hey, hey! My cars arrived yesterday! Of course I broke out the Z car, placed it on the floor, backed er up, and zoooooooom off she went! After that I carefully boxed it back up and stashed er in the sock drawer. Want it to be in good shape when it finds its place in my Z car! Thanks Terry, very nice. Get your package? Have you seen the lighters that we were talking about? Thoes are hard to find, yes! Any how, thanks for the offer and the prompt shipping!
  18. Still it's a "stronge" runner for an early "Nissian". Brother...........
  19. Awesome post, awesome read. Thanks for the links as well. Good stuff. Headers are often too big? What is too big? I read through all of the info but could not find any recommendations. I will be pipeing next month so I was wondering. The header manufacture (sanderson) issued a 2.5 inch recommendation for the motor that I have built. Sounds about right. But does anyone have math on an alternate sizing scheem. Or should we trust the exhaust manufacturer? I would have no prob going wit a 2.0 inch. Prob even fit better. I understand that we still have exhaust port considerations but a 2.0 inch might just do it. 2.25 for sure. The 383 they selected was far from a mild build so the numbers they got weren't too surprising. Except for the ability to be able to use the 850 wasn't the test about right? Would one venture to guess what the number would be it they had selected a 350 chevy with iron exhaust? A 350 with a mild build? I think it would be clear. Good stuff...thanks.
  20. With stock springs you will restrict the amount of adjustment but, with stock springs...you wont be doing alot of "serious" racing anyways.
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