To clarify, I didn't imply that people should have sex first and then pursue a relationship. I meant that sex can play a relatively major role, and both people have to be on the same page of understanding and fulfilling each others' needs.
Love is great, but it does not always hold relationships together solid without help of other influences (financial stability [not implying gold digging], sexual compatibility, being able to stand each other)
that being said, thugz, you're 14. You've got a LONG way to go ahead of you in life. With this, I want to give you a piece of advice: picture what will happen 10 years from now if you think this is the love of your life.
you'll date her throughout highschool, get married at 22-23, and around 25-26, either you or she will wake up one morning thinking "holy crap, I haven't experienced anything else!"
Why am I saying this? Because I've seen this happen to people around me all the time. My coworker married his high school gf, they have 2 kids. He's 23, she's 22. They constantly fight, half the time he comes in without a ring on his finger (this is how we tell he's having problems at home), and he himself has stated that he wants to go out and experience life and not be tied down with kids at home.
Of course, this is a generalization. It does not apply to everyone, and everyone is different. But it's a good point to think about, and you will never forget your first love