Actually no, it's not. My screen name and sig pic are actually references to Robotech. Bandai I guess had the rights to market the toys for Robotech, and they decided to re-sticker one of the Veritech VF1-j fighter toys as a transformer (it's not popularly known, but the transformers cartoon was actually a half hour advertisement for the toys. the toys actually came first, and the show was made around them to get the word out), so they wrote it into the show as Jetfire, a long lost robot that was frozen in the ice. The toy was IDENTICAL down to the molded in serial numbers to a real Robotech toy. The only difference was the stickers. The reason for the Veritech-z screen name is that I had my car painted like the Roy Fokker Veritech from Robotech for awhile before the camo zzzap! days. I'll see if I can dig up a picture. Here's a link to the jetfire toy:
The only gen-1 transformer I still have is Grimlock. I rescued him from a flea market as an adult. I used to have tons of those things as a kid, and I'm not really sure what ever became of them. I also had a real Veritech toy that would change into all three modes, but I remember it breaking. I got a cheap knock off from ebay because a new one is like $100 if you could even find one...