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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Ah, I knew I'd heard it somewhere. I always wondered why they never imported the Focus RS, the AWD turbo rally version. I KNOW a car like that would sell here. I once saw a focus wagon with the old 2.3 turbo engine set up in RWD configuration. Car ran a high 9 in the 1/4 mile with full interior and power windows still fully functional. I was really impressed with that one. As for drifting FWD, I'm not saying nobody should do it, but I'm just not into it. I only drive my front wheel drive altima because the car was given to me and my Z is not reliable enough to drive around all the time. Different strokes for different folks, I always say.
  2. Well, keep in mind it's going to be stuff geared towards getting into a video game based master's program, so it might not exactly be Gugenheim material. I'm still at a loss really about what types of things to include. I have to assume they are looking for character based stuff...I've talked to the guy in admissions about it once, and I recently sent him an email asking for some clarification, but I haven't heard back yet. This part is always hardest for me, since once I'm done with a piece of art, I'm over it and would rather make something new. There haven't been too many pieces I've done that made me step back and just be proud of it for awhile. I always want to move on to the next thing. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'll do at least one S30 drawing just to stay true to my other passion, but other than that....
  3. If Brad does end up producing these, I'd recommend doing business with him since our transaction went really smoothly. Just don't use the Fedex for shipping, right Brad?
  4. Well, I just got back from taking it, and I pulled a 1280. 670 verbal, 610 math. Guess I'm getting some balance in my older (but not yet old) age. I only needed 1000, so on to phase 2: put together my portfolio...anybody care to see any of that?
  5. Thanks Forrest, I've been using a study guide for awhile. As an art-brained person, I'm actually more concerned with the high school math than the verbal section. I read quite a bit, and my vocabulary is better than average. Just for comparison, that 1340 SAT score broke down as a 770 verbal (30pts off a perfect score) and a 570 math, so you can see which way my skill set leans. I did much better on the verbal practice tests, so it seems not much has changed...My 29 ACT score I got around that same time was a 34 (out of 36) on the verbal and a 24 math...at least i'm consistent, right?
  6. To my knowledge, the old cosmos had a 13b, and before that a 12a just like the corresponding rx-whatevers...I think all the 20b's are twin turbo/4-speed auto cars, but I'm also not 100%...
  7. I'm taking the general test. It's graded like the SAT (the old one anyway, I guess they changed it recently according to my younger brother) So the verbal and math sections I think add up to 1600. It's all on a computer now, so you get your results immediately.
  8. The cosmo engine is turbo from the factory, isn't it?
  9. Hmmm...an OTM special... Old license plate?
  10. Alright guys, I'm going to take my GRE today at 4 so I can get out of this crappy saturn dealership and start doing something that's actually in my field. All I need to do is come up with 1000pts or better (I've heard you usually score pretty close to your SAT score, so if that's true I'll do fine since I got a 1340-of course that was 8 years ago...) The plan for my master's program is to go down to FIEA, which is a video game design program based out of the University of Central Florida in Orlando. I've got a bachelors in studio art, and I'm wasting away in a BS parts counter job. Figured it was time to make a move for the better, so here we go! -Max
  11. modified BRE isn't a bad idea...how about a modified ZXR mini whale? Could start it like the BRE, but angle it back more and extend it a bit out to give it a more aggressive look without being too over the top?
  12. I don't think you CAN get the other side out without dropping the tank...I was able to do mine since I put in the fuel cell. If you let the gas out of them (the small valve in the hole on the mounting face) you could probably compress them down so they aren't so intrusive on your butt-shot...
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Thunderbird Sorry Jon, couldn't resist! Here is the racing section of a ford forum, haven't been through the posts yet, but it had a disclaimer saying it was for hard core race mods that you have actually done only... http://www.turboford.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=18
  14. I used to have a friend that had both a T-coupe AND a merkur XR4-Ti at the same time, but I've lost touch with him over the years. He always said that even though they had the same engine, for some reason the T-coupe was so much more reliable. He had a big nasty t-04 with a 4inch dump tube for an exhaust. There has got to be some info on racing these cars on the web somewhere...if I come across anything I'll be sure to shoot it your way.
  15. Recent enough to be on the internet I guess...I remember reading an article by a guy who went to work for OS giken, and found one of the 4 cyl heads languishing in the parts warehouse. He managed to convince them to let him put it together from parts laying around the shop and put the motor in a 510. Supposedly a pretty fast car...I wonder what the final disposition of this 6 cyl motor is going to be? If it ever decides to be an exchange student here, I'll give it a room...
  16. Hey Brandon, why don't you buy this car, so you can trade me the spoiler for some wheels?
  17. If whoever buys it wants to deep six the spoiler, let me know!
  18. You can read those stickers? Maybe my monitor resolution is just crappy, I can't see much of the seats either...look like sparco's in the top one? can't see through the window well enough in the lower ones. I would believe it might be the same car though.
  19. I thought the SVT focus just came with a nitrous bottle that was disconnected, and a warranty that would be void the instant you connected your factory supplied nitrous? Maybe that was a different model. But yes, they were all fwd, however there exists a kit to BOLT in a 302, diff and all, with no cutting or welding to be done (so I hear). There was that one supercharged cobra powered focus that cost upwards of $100k to make, and was faster with 5 people than with 1 just because the power to weight was so rediculous it couldn't hook up, but I don't think it was anything more or less than an extremely well made one-off custom. Mikelly: I'd do a track day in a heartbeat too, but since the closest track to me is Sebring (home of the 12 hours of Sebring) and not really that close, I haven't had a chance to do one yet. Plus i've heard it's like a few hundred bucks, which I can't really afford right now.
  20. I found some pretty cool stuff in ours. The art dept. got all new lockers for the painting students, and just threw the old ones out, so I got a whole set of lockers to store my z parts in. pretty cool really.
  21. I'm thinking that isn't really a license plate, just a designator that it's a 240z. Plus the first one has some kind of red line between the "R" and the "240" that the second car does not.
  22. OTM, all it took was like three days, and you're back to your old rustoleum soaked ways....Tsk Tsk...what happened to super polished up candy coated bling fest? Are you being held back on account of not having all your exit requirements finished up in Beater U.?
  23. The new car has different wheels and a different air dam...And it's hard to tell from the picture, but the first car doesn't seem to have window tint like the new car does.
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