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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. At the Art Department at USF where I got my art degree, we had sort of a communal place where everybody would throw away old junk and projects that you were free to scavenge through in order to find stuff you might use on something else. Problem was, it was right by the printmaking studio, so if you left something outside to dry (like a silkscreen for instance) it was liable to get up and walk away...But there is nothing wrong with rescuing someone else's discarded stuff, so long as it doesn't have that special "dumpster funk" when you try to bring it home...
  2. I posted that listing on one of those 280zx wheel threads...If I could spare the $1000, that is my dream wheel package for sure. Hope somebody here buys them so they don't go to waste!
  3. I've heard AutoX is not the place to try drifting. I can't remember who said it, I think it was an issue of Grassroots Motorsports maybe that was talking about getting kicked off the track for driving recklessly at an event like that. Drift240z, I WANT to believe you are building an end all 240z drift car so bad...I think most of us want to believe it's true. What's the big deal with putting up some pictures man? How hard can it be? Just put em up. Post some pics. Give us a sign of good faith. I'll try a new tactic: Anyone besides Drift240z that has pictures of Drift240z's car in action or in traction (whatever state its in), do him a favor and post them up for him.
  4. Lookin' good! You didn't need to upload to somewhere else, I just checked it out when I got home. So is it how you wanted it? I mean, are YOU happy with it? I think it's pretty sweet. I agree with OTM, get that thing off the grass as soon as you can. I'm convinced it causes crotch rot on your frame to be in the grass way faster than it does on asphault/cocrete. how long till it's a fully operational battle station?
  5. I figured. that was supposed to be a pun: "meh 2" = "me too." I can see my rapier wit goes unnoticed around here...sigh...maybe the next one will be funny....
  6. Even though I didn't make the cut in the thank you speech (I know deep inside you meant it though:rolleyesg ), I want to be the first to second the motion (...), and say thanks to everybody also! Hybridz is a great place to be, with a great bunch of characters. But Racer X, this almost sounded like a farewell speech, not going anywhere, are you?
  7. I was searching for Jaguar injector flow rates in response to twoeightythreez's query, and I came across this website: http://www.jagweb.com/aj6eng/aj6_archives.html Thought it was pretty cool, anybody else think so?
  8. veritech-z


    Sounds pretty awesome, but....
  9. Just because my car turns into a giant robot doesn't mean I'm made of money! My screen name is "veritech-z" not "Scrge_McDuk-Z"!!! I was thinking about using the momo's since they have brand new tires on them if this actually comes to pass. All my wheels require the use of my hub adapters though, so I doubt we'd be able to share those...besides, that's what used tire places are for, right? The drift scene was the best thing that ever happened to the used tire business.
  10. I'd be right behind you guy, I've never done it either, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? We can all watch my copy of the Best Motoring Drift Bible, and then go out and do some damage...I figure so long as we are doing our own event, and there is NOBODY there who is any good, we can't look that stupid, right?
  11. Hey Darius, have you made any progress with the paint on your car yet? Ever decide on a color?
  12. Boate: You get a big thumbs up! Drift240z: You get the gas face. (who's old school enough to remember that song?) I really want to enter one of these drift day events with the Camo zzzap! when they come around, but because they are pretty much always hosted by www.tamparacing.com (an annoyingly elitist forum local to me-which I don't frequent and am not a member of) I never hear about them until it's too late. Maybe I should try to get some heads together to get one started....b_sosick, how far would you drive the Magnum ZI to put the smack down?
  13. I almost changed MY tires, but we ended up having to get like three other techs to come in for backup to get them on....reverse mount wheels are no fun at all...
  14. AAARgggghhh! finally some progress, and all i get are pics with little red x's! I'm going to think outside the bun and see if I can log in to photobucket and view your album directly.... *edit* That's odd, evidently I can log into photobucket to view my own album, but if I try to browse or go to any other page on the site, I get surf controlled here at work...guess I'll just have to wait till later.
  15. Hgeorge, put the part numbers of your hoses in there too, that way we can start getting a pretty good database of stuff that will work with different swaps. I think most everybody here would rather keep things positive too, so don't worry too much about the fight your seeing, it doesn't happen much, and the admins are really good about stepping in before it gets out of hand. Welcome to the forum!
  16. So are your hoses made of silicone or some other alternate material, which might make them cost more than a standard hose? Maybe the confusion about the grommets stems from the fact that you can't really see any in either of those pictures you posted...do you have one with a better shot of those to dispel any misconceptions people might have?
  17. If you follow the link Cozy posted, he also built this red one:
  18. That ebay seller has a lot of cool z parts for sale...
  19. There is a set of Advan Oni wheels on ebay right now with the correct offset and lug pattern....Out of my price range, but they are super rare in that size. That's MY dream wheel package at least. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-YOKOHAMA-ADVAN-RACING-ONI-240SX-S13-S14-D1-DRIF_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43957QQihZ005QQitemZ150018236357QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  20. I think it might look better with an extended BRE style spoiler, the tall one? Or maybe something like what the pinks car had, but not just in sheet metal...That way I can use the useless old whale tail....
  21. If you watch the video, the ghosts just go from side to side outside the maze, I don't think you can die, it's just a demo probably...
  22. That looks to be the newer one than the one we were all downloading a few months ago. I don't know why it's so hard to find these, even as bootlegs here in the states. I was in Philly at the King of Prussia Mall earlier this year and was able to find a stand that had all kinds of sketchy imported movies. I got Battle Royal and Shogun Assassin one and two (banned in the USA since 1983 it proudly says on the cover), but nothing in the W section of interest...
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