well after a small "drifting accident" into a tree in my school parking lot one night, I had to park my winter beater at home (bellingham, wa) and my only other transportation was my Z. I go to school about 6 hours away in Spokane, and have to travel over the mountains to get here. Thankfully the pass was fine, but once I got into Spokane, there was a good layer of snow on all the roads.
Now, I havn't actually driven a rwd car in the snow before, but I have a lot of experience in FWD and 4WD/AWD cars. I have to say though, the Z is really fussy. The smallest tap of the throttle and she starts to slide... Not that it surprises me, but I am driving as little as possible. Pretty much just to school and back (the roads were alright today) and then bumming rides any other times.
Im going to try and find a parking lot tonight to figure out exactly what i have to work with.
So what are your experiences with driving a Z in the snow? and tips, or insight as to what they like to do?