Yeah the cars have to street legal, so no rocket engines . It was a blow through carb setup, with a icebath heat exchanger. The run was over a 1km roll, both ways, thenm the two speed traps averaged. He actually hit a higher top speed, but had problems on the return run, which pulled the average down. The body was pretty much stock. Everytime he tried things to improve aerodynamics, it got worse which show how well the aeros are on the T/A (knight rider generation body style). Power was through a ZF6 speed, with a rear ratio of about 2.06 if I can remember right.
Mat, I don't have any pictures, not digital anyway. It was the cover story of "Car Magazine", which is the equivalent of "Car and Driver". No one seems to be able to touch the record. It was set about 10 years ago.
If you want to see a picture of the engine, look in the book "Maximum Boost". There's a picture of it in there.