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Everything posted by RB26powered74zcar

  1. Now that took some practice!! LMAO at some of the coments....
  2. Yea, I wish the shipping wouldn't kill me, I'd buy one from him...
  3. Lets see some pictures of the LSD. If you pulled a LSD out of a 84, some body that had that car before put it in, as no 84's came with a LSD...
  4. RB Factory Manual http://www.nicoclub.com/FSM/rb/
  5. Thats a sweet little tool for one to have in their tool box I'll have to dig into that a little further...
  6. Sorry, I haven't heard of them, but here is another > http://www.stockinteriors.com/AutoCarpet.asp?Itemid=8948&MakeId=38&ModelId=315
  7. Bummer is, I bought the front and rear kit used from a HybridZ member, and didn't think about asking/ needing installation directions.... (I was wrong )
  8. I really like the front air dam. Also, notice the front hub lug count? Thanks for taking the time to get these pics/info!
  9. Mine did that to... I really didn't notice the rubbing at first due to the engine noise, but by the time I had, there was a nice grove wore into the rotor. I really noticed the rubbing sound while turning the wheel left/right while driving, due to the wheel bearing nut not being torqued to spec. I ended up removing the wheels and grinding that lip on the LCA down for clearance.
  10. Can you set this up for me please? I'll split the profit with you...
  11. Nice.... It looks to be top notch.... I wish they did a RB motor DS pan.
  12. This is who I'd prolly try next time I buy a quantity of silicone hose..... >> http://stores.ebay.com/Verocious-Motorsports_Silicone_W0QQcolZ2QQdirZQ2d1QQfsubZ11962554QQftidZ2QQtZkm
  13. You need Nissan part # 15213-21001 or http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1∂=PRM%2D195&N=700+4294818392+115&autoview=sku http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1∂=EAR-1178ERL&N=700+400041+4294818392+115&autoview=sku This part comes with several adaptors and the one you need... What piece/part in which pic do you keep getting from the dealer? This is the one I bought from Summit, but I forgot the part#. It came with several adaptors, metric and regular...
  14. I've even added a light spring to mine in the past. I got myself a couple long mild springs and connected one end of each to the screw that holds the jet/lever in place, then stretched it up to kinda where the cable retainer is, and that gave it just enough tension that it returned each jet all the way up when the choke lever was released... Thats not the correct way to fix a sticking jet nozzle, but it works until it can be done the right way... As much as gas cost now, a sticking choke nozzle will cost you big time, quick like, using all that extra fuel.
  15. I guess its close to the Q45. Here are the pics I took of mine: Click-em 89 R32 GT-R CLSD Q45
  16. Looking great Gabe! Do you plan to have it it broke in, and ready to run by SEZ time? I'm hoping to make it this time.... hope to see your nice ride then.
  17. A leak down gauge is needed (pick up a semi cheap one @ Summit or Jeggs) then all you need is a air compressor to use the gauge. On a cold dry motor, you may not get good high numbers across the cylinders, but you should get pretty much consistant even numbers on a motor in good cond. You will also need to spin the motor (pull all the spark plugs), via the starter motor, so bring a good batt. and cables.... If you already knew this procedure, sorry to bore you with this...
  18. I guess you are one of the lucky few then. I would not buy from Paulo....
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