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Everything posted by garvice

  1. Fair enough. Just a quick question. I don't live in america, so not quite sure how things work, so just humor me. If you don't have the title to the car, are you allowed to pull it apart? Cheers
  2. Considered doing the 2+2? By the sounds of it, you could have a nice car for a lot less work.
  3. Sorry Tony, thanks for pulling me up on that one. I thought that they were the same width, but found this website before I posted. It may be an australian only thing, or the website may be completely wrong. http://www.zshop.net.au/260tech.htm
  4. No, However that would have been obvious by parking them side by side. Yes They are longer, however I believe the seats are still in the same place. The only other thing you will have to look for is that the 2+2 is officially wider than the coupe (But I believe that this is in the bum). So the floors may actually be a little wider.Best bet for the floors is to get the tape measure out and Measure, Measure, Measure. I am sure you know the old adage, measure twice, cut once.
  5. Damn, they would have felt that one. What rally was that from?
  6. Not trying to be mean, but have you had your hearing checked? LOL. Just kidding. My setup is similliar except it is on a L28et. When I first got it, I thought there was no way I could live with it. After a while I got use to it though.
  7. http://www.oztion.com.au/buy/auction.aspx?itemid=4342017&d=&sort=0&pg=1&cat=252&view=List&f1=&f2=&type2=&type3=&type4=&type5=&s=&pcode=&dis=0&freepost= Excuse the aussie accent. Someone already makes a product that might fit your application
  8. I think that made it sound even more gay.
  9. Someone who speaks japanese please tell me it isn't as gay as it looks. PLEASE.
  10. If you do want one, look at the Australian Ebay website http://www.ebay.com.au Every 6-12 months someone seems to be wrecking a 2+2 260. Not sure what postage would be, but I know the z32 adapter I got from Austin wasn't much.
  11. Only if it is the huge american bumper! I like the small one we got.
  12. Holy crap, that's almost as wide as the whole engine!
  13. Man, I feel really stupid now. Of course my computer wouldn't need to know where #1 TDC is, that's why I have a distributor. Man I feel stupid. Sorry guys, it was just a passing thought when I was looking at this thread again. Shows that I really should have thought it through properly before posting. Thanks for your patience and sorry for getting off topic.
  14. I'll repeat. WOW. Looks great, and I don't normally like the shaved bumper look. Definitely a nice color for the 2+2.
  15. Paul, hughdogz. Sorry, I just read my post and realised how vague it was. Rubish in, rubish out (Sorry, I don't mean that your responses are rubish, but that due to my rubish question, you had very little to respond with). My setup is a L28 with the same CAS shown in the picture above but without the drilled sync hole. I.E. High res slits on outside perimeter, 6 equal width Low res slits on the inside perimeter. The computer is a megasquirt (for now). What my question should have been is. How does any computer, know which cylinder my engine currently has at TDC from my CAS signal (Which on a CRO would look like 6 equal space and equal width square waves. I.E. A periodic square wave)? What prompted me to ask this was the following: 1/ Z32 and RB Signal discs that I have seen have the different width slits. From these slits, I can see that a computer could measure the width of the disc as apposed to the width of the smaller high resolution slits and therefore determine which cylinder needs to currently fire. 2/ My Disc has the same width slits (Talking about the low res inside 6 slits) and no reference slit or hole, as Hughdogz has drilled. Hopefully I have made sense that time. Thanks for your input guys, greatly appreciated.
  16. Ok, dumb question number 163 (well that's how many posts I have made, so it must be close), here we go. I have the same trigger wheel in my car, minus the drilled hole. I have also seen RB and 300ZX trigger wheels that instead of the drilled hole, have different width slits for determining cylinder #1. So how does my computer know which cylinder is number 1? There doesn't seem to be any reference signal slot on the disc to determine cylinder 1? Thanks in advance guys.
  17. wow, well done. Looks to have nice panels. You mentioned that it was sitting, rusting away. How bad is the rust? Looks pretty good from here.
  18. No correction needed. In Electrical designs, fuses are normally used as a cheaper option. Circuit Breakers are used for convenience. You do have to be aware that the tripping curves of circuit breakers and fuses are different. So a 10A Breaker won't always be the same protection as a 10A Fuse. But in general for DC cabling in cars, you shouldn't have to put too much thought into your design.
  19. Have you thought about photoshopping/drawing what your planning first? It would be a real let down to build it stand back and go, crap, that doesn't look anything like what I was thinking. Just an Idea.
  20. I like it mate, nice job. Is it legal to have surge tanks in the engine bay in the states (I've heard that they don't like that in Aus)? or is this race car purely a race car? Cheers
  21. HA! that is great. I am an Idiot. full 5 seconds before I realised. was about to try the second one when the light bulb went off.
  22. I should have asked what time and money you have first. Because this will take all of both, but man they put a smile on your face, even when they;re just sitting in the carport unable to move themselves.
  23. When I read this, I thought, no, don't give up your porsche for a kit car. Then when I read this, I thought. Are you crazy. No seriously, I haven't really ever been stirred by the car. I mean, it has nice lines, but it just doesn't do it for me. I would rather a Z or a 944. But that is purely preference. I also just realized that I didn't contribute anything constructive to your thread. Sorry
  24. Ha! I love it, that means, you are HOPING that 6 litres of fuel will get you a whole 800-1000 m. HA, i think the prius gets 6ltrs/100km, you are hoping for 6ltrs/1km. HA. I love it.
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