Perhaps you could postpone your trip to Texas until after the semester ends. I'm sure there will be lots of volunteer work to be done for a while.
I was in a small airport terminal (North Platte, Nebraska) 4 days after Hurricane Katrina hit N.O., watching the variety of people waiting for a 7 a.m. flight - 2 young American men of African heritage, dressed like bloods/crips... with a 50-ish guy in Kakhis & loafers.... Mother comforting a tearful teenager she was leaving behind..... 2 "real" cowboys...... 20-ish Woman of Asian heritage.... 30-ish woman in business casual dress..... The common things among them was they were all Red Cross volunteers, each had one carry-on bag, no golf clubs, or travel trunks on wheels. I overheard a few say that part of thier carry-on bag space was taken by 48 hours worth of food and water. They didn't expect systems and institutions to be flexible for their convenience. They were all making huge sacrifices leaving their lives at home behind, dropped everything with a day's notice, did not know how long they'd be gone.