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Everything posted by Noddle

  1. is there anything else securing the car to the truck, besides it sitting on the bar under the wheels ?, I wonder how the tower will explain it to the police and the dead family members if the car gets lose when been towed down the road /highway.. or am I missing something ? Nigel
  2. Hi, I notice you are only going to 100 (0 PSI) on you AFR table and 180 (12ish PSI) on your ignition map ( only showing values that are above atmosphere ) This is what I run on my Turboed L24, it's not the same as the L28ET but it should give you some ideas about your cruise area. Nigel
  3. Milling the head will shorthen the distance between the two sprockets( cam / crank ), thus making it retard the cam from what it would have been if it was not milled ( the tenitonier need to make up the extra slack in the chain, thus rotating the cam anticlockwise) you may be able to get the timing back to what it was by using a different timing hole on the cam sprocket (most has 3 holes), or do what most people do, 'shim' the cam tower the same amount that was milled. Nigel
  4. fyi http://www.tunerstudio.com/index.php/downloads
  5. Hi, Is anyone having issues createing a account to use on his forum ? I've tried 3 user name / email accounts and never get a reply email, I would love to try this but my iPhone is still using iOS version 3.1.3 and his minimum version is 3.2, ( and no, I'm not going to upgrade my firmware) Nigel
  6. are you a "closet kiwi" by any chance ?
  7. I assume you mean "Just make sure the oil holes in the cam are NOT plugged."
  8. I've got a stupid question, since the engine was rebuilt, was the bearing put in the 'right' way ?
  9. Have you tried the 'freeze' type ? i.e " CRC Freeze off" Nigel
  10. I know for me, my biggest concern was frying Megasquirt when I first powered it on, so before I plugged Megasquirt into the harness, I turn the ignition on, and used a multimeter on the DB37 plug, to make sure 12volts and earth were on the correct pings after I was happy with that, I turned it all off, and connected megasquirt into the harness, I made sure it was quite, then turn the key to 'on', listening to make sure the pump started, and no other noise was heard, then turned the key to start, and waited for it to fire.. I did preconfigured megasquirt when I had it plugged into the Stim, so I knew it 'should' fire with the setting I had used. once it fired, I was very relieved.. then the fun part, tuning.. Nigel
  11. If a cop passes me, when I'm on the speed limit, and he does not have his lights or siren going, I will sit behind him at the same speed, ( with enough braking distance ) my thinking is, we all governed by the same law. if it's OK for him to break it, it must be fine for me to do it. it has not brought me undone yet.... Nigel
  12. I all way drill / punch a small hole in the base of mine ( thermostat ).
  13. I used this when I sent up my Megasquirt, http://forums.hybridz.org/index.php?showtopic=57800 Nigel
  14. I have a MS II, all I did was make 'software' changes, by telling MS what wide band I was using, that's it' Nigel
  15. I disagree with this statement, if the "regulator value" has not been changed, you would not get higher pressure. Nigel
  16. Here you go 'willi' I had a link to it when I was looking at what could be done to the Datsun manifold. http://www.angelfire.com/extreme/280zxt/page11.html Nigel
  17. Hi, I know this is a super old thread, but is there any pictures showing the port side of the head, showing where the water gallery run Nigel
  18. I was wanting to to do something like this ( see picture ), It would be a lot easier to do with out the guide in there.. I have been looking into "freeze sprays", I might have a play with on of my old heads ( E31 / N42 ) But I still need to find guides to put back in. more "Googling". Tony, you may have talked me into it. but I need to practice first as I have spent a lot to get my P90 head ( postage was a killer ) Nigel
  19. So, it's the same principle as fitting liner into a diesel engine.. mmm, It maybe a little out of my expertise with the gear I have at home. What is the flow from a stock P90A head ?, I may just do a value job and leave it at that, but there is a heap of material in that exhaust port that needs to be removed. ( around the guide area ) Looks like I'll have to find a workshop shop to do some work for me... ( more money ) btw, does anyone know off hand where I can buy guides from. Nigel
  20. No, not from eBay, from the US Yes, its a P90A
  21. Hi, I'm wanting to press some exhaust valve guides, I need to move them about a inch so I can remove some meat in the head, so I'm wonder what is the best way to do it, at the moment I have made a tool to fit into the guide with a square step, I was planing to use a tube with a fat washer on it, to sit where the spring would be, to keep everything square to the bed of my press I assume this should work ? do I need to heat anything up, or cold pressing will be ok ? Nigel
  22. Hi, a few question, Is it spinning fast enough at crank, what is the timing set to, if it's to far advanced, and if it not spinning fast enough ( at cranking) and the engine fires, it can stop it from turning (ignition trying to push the piston down, when the starter it trying to move the piston up) Nigel
  23. Can you unroll it along the floor, or a flat surface ? I'll be finding out how to this myself soon Nigel
  24. Hi, My cars is not a 240Z, but this is how I did my lens. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?42393-JDM-Style-Tail-Lights Nigel
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