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Everything posted by Titus_RacerX

  1. I think those are mounted too low. Better mounted like the Mustang pictured earlier. Same area as stockers.
  2. From where? Unless telling me is a secret. If so PM please.
  3. Look at it this way. The mustache bar is located just inches from the FUEL TANK! If you start a fire back there, well ya better have paid your medical insurance and have a paramedic standing close by. It ain't no big thing to drop it and do it right. Purchase a Haynes manual, you are gonna need one anyway.
  4. He was boo-hooing the fact that nobody trust him. Poor little guy! I really feel kinda sorry for him. He ain't got no friends! He had the nerve to say this: "L, I have returned home from being gone and found the box with your axles on my porch. I am going to send them to you again- I will email you a new tracking number this afternoon. I never intended to hurt you or anybody else for that matter. I hope you find the axles to be what you are needing and if not, we'll try to fix the problem. OK? Look for another email this afternoon." Well friends the afternoon came and went, no tracking number. I knew he was full of she-ot!
  5. Or should I call you Shanessa? If not, who's is it? Who are you ripping off? This is a photo that Jim Edwards e-mailed me as he was stealing my hard earned Washingtons. If this is a photo of YOUR car, Jim is using it to gain confidence.
  6. Raydots Rock! I used to put them on AC Cobra replicas if the customer wanted a racier look. We also used Talbots, but true, they are hard to adjust. The only problem with Raydots is that they can come loose and then you have to take your door panel off and tighten. We started using nylock nuts when we discovered this. Lock-tite would work too. I'll be making that decision on my Z soon too.
  7. Water in the paint gun lines? Wrong reducer possibly? I've never seen a pro shop do a job quite that poorly. I hope they will get it right!
  8. Money is tight everywhere unless you happen to be in that top 1% that get all the breaks. Sure is a long thread on an inexpensive item.
  9. You are going to need some light-weight fiberglass parts. Let's see, who has those.... Oh, I DO!
  10. http://www.qmpracing.com/qmpcatalog/product_info.php?products_id=15879 I did this a few years ago for a Cobra Replica with a 390FE block. It's not that hard to do and the results turned out great. I'm thinking about doing it for my 280ZXT Hybrid. Do any racers have any input?
  11. I usually see someone reading a book or "texting" their BFF while on I-285 on my morning commute. I totally hate it when I see that crap almost as much as I hate dump trucks.
  12. I paid $45 for two complete doors. At first I was just wanting the glass because my glass was scratched. I wound up with two perfect doors that I will use to replace my existing doors. If you make some connections, I'm sure you can find some glass cheap. A couple of guys are parting cars on the forum. Ask them.
  13. One of mine has a crack and pulled thru where the sway bar links in. I'll repair or replace. Let us in on what you do to fix yours when you can post pictures.
  14. Dragon stickr make car no go fasta. Me no likey, make look ricey.
  15. It's a friggin early 260Z!!!!! I've got a '73 240Z and have had a early '74 260Z. That's a butchered, rough crappy paint job 260Z! WTF! People know more than you do about your car! Stupid!
  16. I'd do it, but I don't work for free.
  17. Arnz, I emailed this idiot and told him the same thing when I saw it on Craigs list. Some people are just stupid.
  18. I threw up a little in my throat when I saw all these ricers. It looks like a bunch of AUTOBOTS taking a lunch break. http://www.geocities.jp/tanetane92/20060115tas03.html Q: What's up with the oil coolers out front where they are gonna get damaged? I can see it now... Mr. OPTIMUS PRIME, cruising down the road, just then the dump truck in front of him drops a chunk of concrete on the road (not responsible from objects coming from road) and hit's Prime square in the oil cooler. Result: blown engine, multiple crashes due to Prime oiling down the highway. TRANSFORMER death and mayhem!!!
  19. You are doing all this work OUTSIDE? In the DIRT?
  20. Or what ever strikes my mood at the time.
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