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Everything posted by Titus_RacerX

  1. Yup, on the old cars they put the engine in the trunk and they put the gas tank under the hood. Bass-ackwards! They didn't have room for a radiator so they put a whole bunch o'fins on the engine and called it air-cooled. That ain't air-conditioned neither.
  2. Small carbon footprint but a big rubber footprint! Electric AC Cobra
  3. Spelling Problem. Get thee to an alignment shop asap.
  4. Bend a coat hanger to the shape you need and take it to the parts store to find a match. duh!
  5. Superformance to be exact. South African kit. Cobras, GT-40s licensed as Shelby continuations. I wish when I started building kit cars, these guys were around. We built Unique Motorcars Cobras.
  6. Pay airfare and lodging and I'm there!
  7. That's a beautiful engine. I once saw one of those in an AC Cobra replica. Light and fast! Keep us posted!
  8. I've got to change my shorts! She's purdy!
  9. This gets my vote for the dumbest thread. http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh99/Titus_RacerX/kissmyg.png[/img]"]
  10. Rear stripe is off center by 3/4" to 1". Fix that first
  11. Captain Spell Check we need you now! The car pictured has at least two of them!
  12. It would really be a shame to cut one ounce of sheet metal on that car to put in an SBC. Find a good doner to cut up. Let that one increase in value, leave it be!
  13. I dunno, incorrect seats, blue plug wires. I'd pass. How much do they want?
  14. This is a topic that I just started to think about. In the Atlanta area we are currently waiting in long lines for that crap we need to get to work. Now, I could ride my bicycle and might do that a few days this week.... I sure would like an alternative fuel! We are waiting for a diesel SUV to hit the market and do biodiesel BUT, if I could also free myself by converting my Z restoration to CNG. In the future I hope to be driving an electric commuter, a biodiesel SUV and a CNG Z!
  15. Drummingpariah, please put the cutting tools down! From the title of this thread I thought this forum was going a little BLUE. Here's an example, just a little nasty Brit! Here's my sweet little Datsun! Bumper is in OK shape, valence below bumper is a little wrinkled.
  16. locally we have several forums that answer the questions asked. bikesbl.org, sorba.org, atlbike.org and then there's sadlebred.com to keep up with rides and races (of all types). I am sure you can find your answers locally. Check with your LBS (local bike shop) avoid the temptation to save a few $ by buying from Walmart. Craigslist has great listings for used bikes. Most important is proper bike fit! I can not stress fit enough! I have a Titanium Titus RacerX mountain bike titusti.com and here's my new whip. Wilier is a 100+ year old Italian company and they make some fine carbon <18lb. bikes. This thing almost climbs hills by itself! My commuter is a Trek 5500 with tougher tires and lights on both ends!
  17. Recaro sells an adaptor that makes it a simple bolt up.
  18. Riding my new bicycle! A 2007 Wilier Thor! 40 miles on Memorial Day and did 30 miles on Saturday. Sunday, I pressure washed my pool surround. That took all day!
  19. So, today is 5-13-08 and I get a call from my Credit Card saying the guy on the other end of Paypal (Jim Edwards) wants to be paid for the parts sent. This was in dispute, I won and told you several times NOT TO SEND PARTS! You did anyway THEN... I TOLD YOU JIM IF YOU SEND PAYMENT FOR RETURN SHIPMENT THAT I WOULD SEND PARTS BACK TO YOU. You did not and never responded to repeated request. I then told you that you had a deadline to respond with payment. Forget about it, take your lumps and quit doing this to Datsun restorers. My Credit Card is protecting me. You lose!
  20. Awesome piece of work! Where did you source your intercooler from?
  21. From that I gather that he has not contacted you to repay you (or anyone else). Keep up the fight, his day will soon come! T_RX
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