So I'm finally making some progress on the z31, and a while back I bought a steering column out of a Cobalt. I want to run electric power steering and this seemed at the time the easiest way to do it. Anyway, I have been looking for a wiring diagram for it . I spent days on the net, joined two cobalt forums, visited the library countless times, and started searching every parts store in the area. Finally today I came across a Chilton manual at Shucks. Whoopy, I thought, at last success. After plunking down twenty five of my hard earned dollars, I grabbed the book and went home to read it.
I checked the wiring diagrams at the back of the book, and discovered that they mainly cover things like installing a stereo. So next comes the index. I find the power steering section, and when I get to the page it says, that the electric power steering is a complicated system, and "if it has any problems, take it to your local dealer."
I used to think that some of the people who work in parts houses were idiots, because they couldn't figure out what a small block Chevy engine was, but now I have found out that the real morons are the supposed experts whose idea or repair is to take it to the dealer. I could have gotten the same advice from my ten year old great grand daughter, and it wouldn't have cost anywhere near twenty five dollars. I don't mind spending the money, but if the manual doesn't have information that is useful I think its a ripoff.
Now that I feel better, I'm going to write to Chilton and tell them what a bunch of a holes I think they are