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aziza z

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Everything posted by aziza z

  1. Wow. That does look good. hmmmm maybe for my ls1 intake? haha.
  2. Anyone know how to remove a 75 280z dimmer switch? Cant seem to get mine off.
  3. Found this picture on AZC. It appears to be a johns car mount using the AZC arms however. Makes me feel better, but i would like to use the TTT ones. I know someone out there has an answer for me.
  4. I was thinking of doing that. An easier way of going about it, is to change the shape of the headrest alone without in corporating it into the seats. I would love to incorporate it, but I think it might be tricky, especially since I want to make slits to fit the harness. The separated head rest right now would allow me to run the harness when I needed it "through" the seats. If incorporate, slits would need to be made. If someone can photoshop a couple of ideas I would appreciate it.
  5. Has any one used Techno Toy Tuning tie rods on an s30 with Johns car LS1 kit? I was looking at the pictures on the control arm and im wondering if theres enough thread on the back side of the rod to fit the motor mount through it still. I want to change the stock ones for two reasons: 1- I need the adjustablity 2- They are snapping left and right with poly bushings anyway. ( And i really dont want a tie rod to fail while holding up my ls). Has anyone used both the TTT Tension Control Rods and Johns ls1 kit together is what im asking basically.
  6. Ill see if I can snap a picture this week end. Maybe someone has one handy?
  7. Thanks for the solution Bo, I was wondering about this my self. Just completed the swap. Didnt grab much in my case either, but I figured that because I haven't added brake fluid and flushed it yet. I kinda thought it was going to be a "mechanical" function, like the stock s30 cars, but according to my cousin with an s13, he claims it needs to be properly bleed to work. Kinda got me wondering, what if there is a leak? Does that mean the hand brake fails? I don't have an answer. Just thinking out loud. Also did you use the Modern motorsports 240sx rear caliper kit to complete your conversion? If so, where did you put the supplied washer? Between the bracket and the caliper, or between the bolt and caliper? Reason I ask, is because the rotor doesn't seem centered on my car.
  8. Bringing back this thread: Has any one used Techno Toy Tuning tie rods on an s30 with Johns car LS1 kit? I was looking at the pictures on the control arm and im wondering if theres enough thread on the back side of the rod to fit the motor mount through it still. Has anyone used both the TTT and Johns ls1 kit together is what im asking basically.
  9. By the way here is the thread where I got that idea from and realized that the driver side bottoms out in the lsd unit. Im using an LSD unit from an older skyline, just swapped everything into my carrier. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=137869&highlight=280zx+240sx+r200+diff
  10. Bringing back this thread: I'm installing my cvs right now. And cant get the driver side in. Dont want to force it in either. But I have to questions/concerns. The driver side CV shaft doesn't look like its going all the way into the diff. I Pushed it in as hard as I could and it looks like its still a little out (compared to the passenger side anyway). 1- For those who cut off a little off the end of the driver side cv shaft. Did this help? Right now the shaft keeps popping out the end cap when I try to push it into place. 2-I had no issues with the passenger side. I was wondering if we can use another passenger side cv on the driver side (probably wouldn't even need to be flipped)? Any one see a problem with this? 3- Did anyone run into the problem where the cv doesnt fit all the way into the diff on the driver side? Seems to be bottoming out. Could I cut this side off as well? (hugh did this in his zx conversion).
  11. I like the 24hrs instead of the new posts button too. Personal preference.
  12. If it matches the car I would do it. Other wise, something like that at first glance (on a nice paint job), would look like a blemish or stain. Personally, I wouldnt do it, then again its not my car.
  13. Sorry for the delay. The control arms are pretty much parallel to the ground at the height I want it at.
  14. Thats fine with me. Id love that actually. How big of a splash do I want to make? I want to make a tsunami haha. Def. Invite them. The route is basically going to be meeting in Huntington beach (pch) to Newport beach, Santiago canyon road to laguna canyon road back on pch to san pedro to the state beach where a couple of movie scenes from the movie were shot, then to the block of orange to see the movie. If you need more details to help me recruit. Pm me. Ill give you all the info in detail to let them know.
  15. Why is that? Thats why Im inviting people from here too. Where in so cal are you?
  16. They do really look like the corebaus. Who knows. Maybe its a knock off. Its all good. Ill take pictures of them when they are redone If anyone want to see them.
  17. Something about the seats has me leaning towards an American vehicle.
  18. Well does anyone want to guess? I wont hold you to it. Just kinda would like to know what Im installing in my own car haha. If it helps, the z it was pulled from hasnt been on the road since 1991. So maybe 80s seats? Lotus seats of that era seem to resemble them alot. Thing is, I dont think there are many production cars that came with bucket seats (non adjustable). So maybe they are aftermarket?
  19. Hey people With the FF4 date set about a month away. I want to set a cruise for the weekend of the release. Figured it would be awesome to show up to the movies with a bunch of z cars. So cal is where its going to be. Basically what im thinking of doing is a 100mile cruise. Places we will hit: Santiago canyon run Laguna Canyon run PCH all the way to San pedro from the canyons Royal Palms state beach (park and eat): also where FF4 movie was shot at. Finally "Block of Orange" to watch FF4 Offical invite page: http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?info&eid=65760641018#/event.php?eid=65760641018&ref=mf Should be a great day. Hope you guys can come.
  20. Yea I love the fit. That was the only think I hated about my corbeaus before. Too big of a seat, and very uncomfortable. They fit great in 240z. 280z not so much. Should look great when they are redone.
  21. Anyone know what these seats are?
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