Buddy of mine texted me saturday morning about a big local show, so i gave the Z a quick wash and took it to the Hot Rodding for Heroes car show ( http://http://www.hotroddingforheroes.org/ ). Mostly muscle cars, but lots of cool cars, trucks and bikes from all over the place. Check out my pics at: https://picasaweb.google.com/102233239296109086503/HotRoddingForHeroesFebruary162013?authuser=0&feat=directlink Some favs Volvo P1800! First time ive seen one in person This one's not bad Found another Z, this isnt a HybridZ member is it? Go home minivan you are drunk Little bit of everything, hot rods, muscle cars, vettes, porsches, few japanese cars, trucks, bikes, jeeps, etc. Look close and you'll spot an S130... Was a good show, fun saturday. Plus it was in Haile Village so we could eat lunch and have some drinks at a bar without missing the Gator game