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Everything posted by sticky280zx

  1. only other options are like others have said 2-3 piece just as expensive wheels, but atleast then you can change size/offset with different lips/barrells
  2. sue or make a visit/have someone help his car make it to a field, with aircraft remover poured all over/in it and no rims....i hate people like that. i have a car i sold to a guy and took payments yea 1500 out of 3500 and 2 months later he blows the motor cause he ran it out of oil and yet thats my fault/problem somehow and isnt going to pay. he gave me the key to the car which just so happens to have his house key on it...oh how i have thought about the possibilities of how that could play out, or i got to small claims and sue for 2500 and the headache...isnt really worth it especially since they are broke, useless pieces of **** that have alot of debt and will probably just claim bankruptcy and say screw you. Hence the personal approch thought, then again its not like the good old days, cops wont do crap for the people that need it but protect the fuckups that keep screwing us over.
  3. those dont look anywhere near wide enough to justify flares....well atleast to fill them out, theyre an inbetween size too big for stock and need another inch or two of lip to look right under flares.
  4. Funny because i sent money and brand new parts to you in a trade that was agreed upon before christmas and i still havent gotten the trips and the turbo blow thru set up, yet you have new pics as of 5 days ago....WTF?!
  5. yea z31 is a little different but to me it wouldnt make a difference, used hoses/junkyard parts are veryyyy cheap and wouldnt change systems just because of an overpriced (at the dealer) hose.
  6. man between bodywork and paint, youre never gonna have one of those to drive, and spend a lifetime trying to get them done/pay for them. but they will definately be worth the effort.
  7. i have a NOS ansa thats been in my garage forever for $300
  8. you can get/make adapters, then you just have to make everything spaced to fit...prolly easier to get a vega, old truck, etc and use those parts lol or just buy that vette on the floor lol
  9. shells, runners, modded, project...little more info would help
  10. Yea i just flick the ******'s in "bro" trucks off that have the 12" lifts and mommy and daddy supplied 20" wheels and 38+"tires to make up for their small genetalia....and its the FOG LIGHTS in their bumpers with HIDS that are killing my eyes the headlights are wayyyy over my car, even more so because my car is pretty low Thats a 4" brillow pad about an inch shorter than a coke can, for reference
  11. for shear feel and control...go manual, and ofcourse its lighter, im not gonna argue a number, but weight is weight. Then again the 79s are the lightest zx's and the only ones with manual steering (that i know of) But theres also less pieces (less to replace/again MORE weight) from the power rack vs manual. Lets just say i swapped my old 80 stroker zx from power to manual, and i have an extra manual rack laying around for myself or someone else that appreciates it. Also im 5 10 and 140-150#s....it doesnt take that much to turn a damn wheel you pansies...and remember a v8 with aluminum heads is lighter than the stock L6 and with most kits, sits back to the firewall for a better distribution/takes weight off the front of the car and shifts it back some. Not to mention big wheels/tires make it harder to turn a wheel vs more motor/weight up front.
  12. but those that you posted are girly woman sizes....go look for some 9, 9.5, or 10" wide sets and get youre wallet ready =( amazingly sexy wheels though
  13. haha i knew some bunched up panties was bound to happen in here....heres a local sites take on this... http://www.dallasimports.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=150371
  14. blown shocks would cause the car to bounce, but i dont see them being deflated and the car being drivable with them riding literally on the bumpstops all the time.
  15. there are way too many threads on this site already addressing this, please search and look thru the "WHEEL" section, theres more than a few threads with peoples setups and theres even group buy threads on the same wheels.
  16. or the most reasonable thing would be to actually post pics of the car to show us what it looks like, i reallly have a hard time believing that a stock car scrapes with a kit, mine was lowered with a kit and didnt scrape on anything.
  17. mexico? doesnt sound much like spanish, then again the italian flag is green white and red...
  18. doubt you will make much if any, especially since a good paint job is going to be 2-3k so that would definitely put you way over the mark. These cars arent for "flipping" as there arent enough people that want them/they just arent worth it. Not to mention you are young, obviouly not the greatest driver, and prolly ragged on the car when it was running....so there arent many positives note the 2 wrecks it has been in (in less than a year, probably even less "running" time). Just sell the parts and get a honda like everyother kid, youll get better gas milage, and more room, and a huge aftermarket for parts.
  19. cowl can be swapped too...ask me how i know lol i did it to the last car, not a huge issue just carefull cutting and pasting
  20. ps those fans were given free food and drink, free sb "swag", 3x's face value $2400, and tickets to next years superbowl...im thinking that wouldnt mean much for most people especially with travel, hotel stays, etc if you actually bought the ticket for 800 vs the 2k+ that some went for. But at any rate if your team isnt in it next year youre definately just going to sell that ticket and make money to put in your pocket. Think of it as early tax money next year.
  21. Just fyi the old brembos retailed around 450-500+ a pair for the rear aluminum drums, they have been out of circulation for about 7+ years now...i have a full set (front rotors and rear aluminum drums) that i have been holding onto for ever now...everything you can find now is cast.
  22. Well then, what happened to that chassis that you already posted it was all going in? You sell that plaything already?
  23. yea if you are running this why not save alot of money and just get a few pairs of springs (if you are moving it alot) and cut them to different heights and just change them out accordingly. I know you have to take it all our but its 4bolts and not like the fronts, or rears on a Z, like posted above its a useless "mod" unless you want to spend alot of cash on sleeves, etc when you could just buy the rear shocks with springs and cut them or cut the stockers and have a couple sets for adjustability for alot less.
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