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Everything posted by peej410

  1. hehe not yet but i did start my roll bar assembly i have the shop to mysef for the week while my boss is at mid ohio race course trying to win the SCCA championships
  2. yeap im still living at home. dont really have a choice as i picked working on my car over having a job for the next month or so hehe. i actually had it on the road for two months in the late winter early spring right after the snows... but i blew the rear end and the motor that i got tore itself apart. i still havent found the cause of the latter. so im building a new motor starting this week and hopefully it wont take too long. then ill get to drive it again this fall
  3. yeah thats alot like what i want to do. im gonna make it out of aluminum with carbon fiber plates for the gauges... itll be a nice winter project
  4. olie u could get a gabriel strut on ebay for like 30 dollars as a temporary replacement for your bad strut, i have them on my Z ~1500 miles and they are fine, i couldnt afford anything really nice when it was time to get the car on the road so i went for the most cost effective and im happy with them for now... hey clifton could you send me some more detailed pictures of your custom dash in your race car? im looking to do something custom and im having some trouble deciding what i want it to look like. my email is peej410 sorry if its post whoring.
  5. http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/peej410/album?.dir=/18fa theres a bunch of pictures i took tonite of my progress recently on my Z. if the link doesnt work for some reason just post and ill see if i can fix it. pics 1 and 2 is the standoff i made on the driverside for the main hoop of my 8 point roll bar only took 2 hours total and its near perfect. (i had to remove a layer of por 15 and layer of herculiner just to get to the sheet metal which also had seam sealer underneath it all hahah pic 3 is my custom strut tower brace... no its not removable heheheh yes it is over kill and i love it cuz i can wheel my engine hoist under the car and use it to lift the car really high up in the air hehehe who needs a lift? not me [angel] pic 4 is the only space i have beside 12 inches behind the car to get from one side of the garage to the other because of all the new equipment i just got hehe NEEED MORE SPACE.... pics 5 and 6 are my custom firewall and transmission tunnel modifications so that i can move my engine and transmission an inch and a half further back in my driveline. the engine will then be completely behing the centerlin of the front wheels WOOOOOO heheh (it already handled awesome before) pic 7 is my naughty motor. it went and got all dirty before coming home so i stuck it in the corner hehe pic 8 is everything (minus motor and fuel filter) that my Z needs to run and i mean everything ! and it all fits on one little sled pic 9 is my milling machine again and my overflowing tool box lol. to think 3 years ago all of this was an empty space.. i had no tools and no experience. and lastly pic 10 is the motor i cooked cajun style and my mig welder hope ya didnt get too bored -pete
  6. your car is totally awesome and totally my style, if i move out to cali in a few years it looks like i have someone to hang out with hahaha.... why not look into the center section out of a c4 corvette and making custom axles for it ? if u get the right one the center section will be a dana 44. ill be looking into it myself this winter
  7. yeah im really excited heh, Dot. what kind of equipment did you get? and what books should i look for? if i head to barnes and noble will they have books on it ? datsunlover. i never knew tool and die makers had to apprentice for four years, sounds like college. but u actually learn something with this four years hahah. billz260. i learned most of that making stuff at the shop i worked at. i had to make about 250 of the little blocks on these stub pipes http://www.tangerineracing.com/images/HeaderPics/Modified%20Stub%20Pipes%20Reduced.jpg in 3 or 4 different sizes. each piece requires 4 machining processes and 3 finishing. ugh im getting bored just thinking about it check out the rest of the site too theres alotta stuff i made on there or helped design
  8. funny guy !!!! the guy was a tool and die maker actually he passed away a few years ago, his widow is now incapable of taking care of herself and was put into a home. her relatives were selling the house and my mom knew the relative so she called me up to come look at it and i took everything including some big pieces of aluminum block and plates and all sorts of stuff. in regards to the lack of experience. i have some, now i know that a gib is the little wedgie thingy. how tight should i make those? theres absolutely no play in them but i dont know how much resistance there should be, i used the zerk fittings to lube everything. the machine looks like its only a few years old and the internals look new as well as it having a newer J head on it i believe. ive done some production work on a milling machine at the fab shop i used to work at. we also used it for coping tubes for cage work with big endmills. my machine currently has less "screw thingy" play than our machine at the shop but i got it down to less than .010 on the long one and about .012 on the short one. it also came with a phase convertor now i need an extension cord. i will also be leveling it up so that when im fixturing things i can use a level on them. is this a good idea ? or a waste of time? last question... where can i look up to find out what the surface grinder and lathe are worth. the lathe isnt quite what i want and i know i wont need the surface grinder but i cant find either on ebay ...
  9. ooooh i thought u were running electric cars..... his diff could be metal but that doesnt mean that its not a ball diff with a metal gear and metal sides... it would still flat spot the balls even though most are carbide.
  10. ok so i got an early bridgeport milling machine in awesome condition from this guys house that passed away... i got the mill an old atlas lathe and a brown and sharpe surface grinder for 500 bucks and then 300 for about 300lbs worth of tooling heheh. anyways to get my mill home i had to take it apart. i was very careful taking it apart and the only thing i cant figure out is why theres play now in the X and Y planes there werent before it was like maybe .010 now its quite a bit more. if i put the table in backwards would that account for some of it? and does anyone have any links about this stuff ive been looking a little bit for a week or so and havent really found much except machines for sale.
  11. Im in the search for a decent girl currently. im only 22 and im already losing hope. I was able to find Zcar number 00098 though in some shrubbery here in CT i contacted a Z car restorer and he came and bought the car. He got it for 1000 and it was almost all original just needed carb work and the body was mint.
  12. well the story behind the motor was that the previous owner put the rebuilt engine in his chevelle and smashed it up a week later. this was told to me by the guys that built the car and installed the motor, in exchange for parting out the car they kept the motor and sold it to me about a year later. the motor still had fresh paint on it and everything. i pulled off the manifold and the insides of the motor were spotless just had a little bit of oil on them. all the lifters also looked brand new. as far as overheating, once when i was installing the fan relay setup, the 20 amp fuse blew when my taurus fan was supposed to start up. i had gone into the kitchen to get some water briefly and when i got back the temp was at 240 so i shut it down. but that was months prior to the motor giving me any problems whatsoever
  13. http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=coppermine&file=displayimage&pos=-1644 i just pulled that piston out of my motor that was burning serious amounts of oil. im really new to this... so i dont know what this means but this piston also had a massive amount of carbon buildup[/url]
  14. youll also need something to keep track of rpm and amperage being used
  15. WOW, im an aspiring fabricator. i just got my first milling machine lathe and surface grinder for $500 dollars you do amazing work and it is truely inspiring. i definately would love to see that beauty on the road someday maybe ill have to come visit i absolutely love what u did with the rear 1/4 window "jams" they are beautiful as well as the door modifications to fit the cage. right now im building a cage in an SCCA miata for free so that i can get time in the shop to build a cage in my Z. as for my own chopped Z i have more of an excuse to build one im only 5'5" which is another reason im building the miata cage.... if youve ever tried to build a miata cage youd understand hahah keep up the amazing work!!!!!
  16. i love you guys, but even i fell victim to my own stupidity and replied to a no reply sticky that tim put up a few months ago. how i didnt see the bright big DO NOT REPLY letters i will never know .... luckily no one yelled at me heheh one thing i have trouble with tho is the search, someone should write up a tutorial on the best ways to use the search cuz i really suck at it. anyways im glad we have guys like you watching over our house!!!
  17. we are all very serious here we do not joke at all and we dont tolerate incompetance, ahahha jk be as incompetant as u like just use the search functon hahahah
  18. i dunno but it sure is easy enough to pull a motor out of an RC car mines two allen heads and its out, i also used litespeed connectors on it as they are near zero resistance
  19. what about AWD cars lol ive got a full carbon fiber rs4 pro with a 12 turn infinity motor in it its evil
  20. seems like 1 in 3 maximas from 95 - 97 had bearing troubles. i thought it might have been the goo or lack thereof on the case halves because that could be inconsistent and it might not always squish to zero thickness. anyways i blew 3rd gear twice and 2nd gear once ( just recently) I swapped a VLSD tranny out of a canadian maxima (very hard to find) in and blew that twice so far. so its bliss. i just want to get it fixed and sell it. i love the motor and i love alot of other stuff but i love my Z alot more lol so im gonna just drive that once its back on the road. but in the mean time two trannies in one year is two too many in the maxima.
  21. i dealt with that maxima bearing preload problem, the maxima transmission absolutely blows. i tried different clutches i changed my driving style i even stopped accelerating hard in an attempt to save trannies and ive blown 5 of them now. basically now the car just sits. i dont know what it is but they just dont handle any abuse.
  22. its far from optimized but my Z sat about 2.75 off the ground, but i was running dual 2 1/4 inch exhaust and my subframe connectors. it did scrap everything but the problem was more my small wheels and tires than anything else. i did love the handling tho i never needed to install a sway bar (very stiffly sprung at the moment) its like a go kart and even though it was a lot of camber i loved it for ripping around
  23. neo my friend only runs neo in his saab rally car and has never had tranny problems since, and if you ever worked on a saab you know why you dont want the tranny to give you problems
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