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Everything posted by trackzpeed

  1. LS1 pan should work..... I'm using CX mounts but I believe the Dingo mounts are pretty close to the same. I agree with Phantom, use what works.
  2. I'm adding a fuel pump pre-filter to my system...... Recently found some fuel cell foam chunk that tried to clog up my pump. A 150 micron filter should solve that and maintain Good flow. I also added some camber plates that work with stock diameter springs to add 1.5 neg camber..... First impression is good but my next AutoX will be the real tell. Jim
  3. If you get a chance, can you give a length by width measurement on those vents. Very cool project by the way. Jim
  4. I really dig those vents on the hood! Did you have to cut out any structural bracing on the underside?
  5. You do such amazing work! Thanks for setting the bar so high. Jim
  6. 002.MOV Short clip of Sunday AutoX..... Finished top 5 on the day with a .6 separation between 2nd fastest on the day and me.... I can be faster with more seat time. Hopefully I can keep her in one piece for a full season.
  7. IG account? Would love to see your progress. Jim
  8. Check out the current options for mounts etc.... you may be pleased with what is out there. I used the CX racing stuff and I'm happy. I would love to see someone use the HOKE performance mounts in a build log.... they look really promising. Jim
  9. Welcome back to the addiction. Good luck with your build
  10. Question for the LS swap family..... I'm running a 99 PCM with wiring specialties harness. since I'm getting ready to finally swap out the rest of my gauges, can I use the CAN BUS style from speedhut that read off the PCM for water temp and oil pressure (I seem to recall at least the oil pressure lead coming of the harness, I just need to dig it out), Anyone done that? Hopefully have a pre-season AutoX this Sunday weather permitting. Thanks, Jim
  11. Death and resurrection..... Glad have her back in my garage. Bumpers should be back on soon.... Racing starts in February
  12. I was able to thread mine through the "Threaded wings" then waited on the trans tunnel mounts until I had the drive line in. I think a few pics are on my build log thread but I'll see what I can dig up. Jim
  13. I'm back! Still some work to go but at least she's home.
  14. What's your opinion on the CXR fronts LCA's and TC rods? I brought those up awhile back based on price, never saw them in person, but they were generally shot down as "Chinese junk" by most of the community....... To be honest, I've been very happy with my CX LS swap kit, but will admit it has no critical moving parts to fail under load. Looking forward to your build. Thanks, Jim
  15. Hang in there....... Keep your eye on the prize.
  16. I don't remember the length off hand..... I running the long nose R200 LSD. I just measured once I had it all in where I wanted it then took my shaft to a shop and had it cut down.
  17. I used a Camaro shaft cut down..... The angle worked out perfect on install. You should read my build log... it will answer many CXR questions you may have . Jim
  18. I'm totally happy with my CXR kit..... It works great for me and I'm happy with the quality. with that said, Hoke is building stuff that seems just a tad better than everything else I've seen and if it was available at the time I probably would've gone that route. But to be totally honest, I have no regrets with my CX racing application.
  19. I'm in....just waiting to get my car back. Hopefully in Jan
  20. I went the cxr route...... If I did it again I would do hoke. With that said, I've been happy with my choice overall. I just think Hokes stuff is really well built and designed well.
  21. I wish I had Richards route as well..... but I was glad I had my cell, moved forward and with foam, when I got hit 5 months back. I think a stock tank location would have been pretty nasty in terms of leaking fuel next to hot exhaust.
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