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Everything posted by yhlz

  1. Are you sure about your information? There are many manufacturers that make wheels that will fit an s30z.
  2. Guests should not be allowed to post. Offset doesn't really matter, kinda. What does matter is that there is spacing to clear the suspension. The offset "number" will be dependent on the width of the wheel.
  3. Whao, those bimmer wheels are killer. 18's??? Off of???
  4. If you just need a replacement fuel rail, why not search your local Pick-n-Pull junk yards? It would save you the extra money.
  5. I really wish the spokes didn't curve back like that.
  6. What are you using for the engine mounts? Jaguar mounts? any issue with hood clearance due to the intake manifold? -Yeng
  7. I was about to say the same thing as johnc! they make great track vehicles. buy it from them!!! haha.
  8. What a wonderful restoration. I'm waiting to see it finished and lowered to the ground on those wheels.
  9. Honestly, if you are ordering from TTT, you should talk to Gabriel personally, first. He is very helpful and always tries to provide accurate answers. I'm sure he would be knowledgable about the products he markets.
  10. I know some have thrown on ITBs but ive never seen carbs. If they can carb a RB, i cant see why you can't carb a 2JZ.
  11. 209runner, dont get me wrong. Those rims do look pretty nice. The less aggressive barrel size gives it a different attitude. I personally just prefer deep barrels. Are you from stockton?
  12. yhlz

    twice pipes legal?

    Just incase you were still wondering, I believe that it can not be louder than 94dB. If your car came with a catalytic converter, it is also illegal to remove it.
  13. Its nice to see a Muscle Car guy appreciating a 4-banger j-motor in his Z instead of an American V8. Nothing wrong with pure Americano grunt but I just personally like to keep it Japanese with Japanese. Great build!!
  14. These wheels are nice but to me, they look off. I just really prefer having deep dishes on these old skool j-tins.
  15. Do you buy a pair of jeans for $200? Or a leather jacket that is $1000? My point is, it does it's function and the wheels are not as inferior as people wish to think. If they are, I would like to see facts that prove its inferiority and how it is dangerous to the public. For some, expensive wheels are not in my budget. I wish i COULD get them, but in reality, I will always be wearing Haynes T-shirts instead of Calvin Klein T-shirts. I love seeing and respect both "real" and imitation brand wheels.
  16. Wow, that car must fly like a bat out of hell. Great build!
  17. It's going to be a slim market of buyers. This is a good project for a body specialist. Dont expect too much (less than $1000). I say, get another shell and transfer everything over.
  18. That car is nothing BUT function over form.
  19. They are an imitation brand and that is why they dont manufacture wheels. They buy them from a supplier and sell them to consumers.
  20. This wheel option is nice!!! and to answer the post above, I've seen the Toyota 4x4 rear brake setup sitting behind 15 inch Konig Rewinds.
  21. Not my Z but I love it!!! and congratulations on the Hakosuka. Is there a build thread on this Z?
  22. This guy is an old man with conservative taste. A true auto enthusiast appreciates all forms of all makes and models.
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