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Everything posted by neotech84

  1. I call dibs on the Megasquirt........ Have you tried without the HEI hooked up? There are many ways to get spark.
  2. You want a rowdy 3 year old boy? He loves any thing that moves and is loud....... Maybe we could work out a payment plan with an option to buy back??
  3. I was debating on if I should post because all that has been said was what I was thinking. But I just wanted to say WOW that setup looks amazing! Love the work that has been put in there. For not being mechanical ( sounds more like intimidated to me) a turbo build with tearing the old motor down seems like wasted money and time. Not sure how you feel on swaps but as stated the RB, BMW, and Merc straight six's are vital options as well. Most are close to drop in and go. You might get over your mechanical fears while tinkering too! Any who, not sure if the rest of the body looks like the engine bay but you have a great looking under hood area.......
  4. I do agree that going with the 2.8 will add the sought after power with the same setup however, it would drive cost up. If the extra displacement is desired I say get the current setup in prime shape, SLOWLY gather parts for a turbo swap and build the 2.8L up with all its glory. Get the turbo installed with a mild tune on the 2.6L and drive it to death, swap and go crazy with the newly refreshed beast. This allows money saving time and drivability of the project with minimal down time. Oh and 200 hp with a turbo is a cake walk! more than likely you will be around 225-250 with Megasquirt and decent exhaust on either the 2.6 or 2.8L. All in all this is not my car so it's up to the powers at bay.......
  5. We have all been there..... I know what you are going through with kids, (3 of them with a bun in the oven). My wife has been kind enough to let me work one my cars once a week and longer if needed. Just get a schedule set that you can stick too. It helps all stay sane and keep your projects moving on!
  6. Pretty sure they are custom mix of the C10 series skyline and BRIDES (or knock offs)
  7. Bet that feels great! What a relief to not have to sell it. Good job!
  8. Yes 10 to 12 deg is a good start. Some guys are running up to 25 or 30! ( with proper support/ or turbo).
  9. You will generally get more power advancing the timing than upping the C/R. Try a better cam with a good set of SU's with timing advance you could pick up your 10 extra ponies...... and not brake the bank. or if you wanted to gradually get into the turbo swap get Megasquirt on your spark and go dizzy-less.
  10. You seem to have your ducks in a row. Have you checked the water temp sensor too?
  11. Wow I totally know that too.... space case here. AFM. Thermo-time switch? This would keep the cold start injector OPEN causing it to run rich.
  12. I second the MAF, or it sounds like bad grounds.
  13. The emblems??? Pull some engine accessories, starter, alternator, power steering pump, manifold, those will sell pretty easy and the insurance wont know they are missing till it's too late!!!
  14. PASS on it! unless you can get it cheep! Like 200$ or less. Its in a junk yard on crappy stands that will destroy the rockers so be weary.
  15. +1 on decent bolts and stroking your L24 if needed. Definitely fits into your budget. Also a good headgasket. I don't see why you COULDN'T sit around 350hp with your setup. Just make sure you put some time into tuning. 9 days will be tight for the MS install/tune.
  16. Not sure there is a place for that. But sounds like a great idea. Maybe a MOD will see this and bring it to life.
  17. How is your Dizzy? Wires? Cap and Rotor?? Was there a strong fuel smell to void the fuel idea? Sounds electrical to me if all else is good. A few more details are needed.
  18. I had to post this one..... A S30 2+2 totally custom glassed in G-nose, round tail lights sea foam green. It was sitting on visscher st right by point defiance zoo. Just down the street was a nice red dime. In Ruston WA.
  19. There are plenty of people that have no idea what's in their cars. Especially when there are 3 differen models with different options ect. on a similar shell. I had a guy sell me what he called a 260 motor but the picture clearly had a fuel injected intake. So I get there and it's a L28 and I walk out with it for 30$..... Not bad. This is why YOU need to know your car and a general breakdown of year/ model specific parts.
  20. Just a word of caution try resizing your pics before posting the mods are cracking down on over sized pics...... (try photobucket if you are unsure about resizing)
  21. +1 to all the posts. Your money would be better spent else where. Beef up the suspension and brakes. If you want a little extra getup and go swap your diff for taller gears. There are plenty of things I would do before I just slapped a bigger TB and cold air headers are a great place to start (If not already done) THEN the exhaust. You get the MOST efficient gains from head work in the L serries. Look into you car find whats been done and what needs fixing and READ every piece of information you can.
  22. It's just like the KA vs. SR argument each have weakness you have to build it right. Sorry to hear you had bad luck, I was quick to jump on your post because it was unsupported hearsay. I can't read minds so I went off what was there. I appreciate having the full picture now.
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