I shot a video of the noise Turning by hand and a little of the datsun garage Non running
Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmqTZ8o-7rU
Here is the link the sound comes High squeel. This one is running.
What you guys think?! serious?
So last night I pull out oil pump, dizzy gear and then turn by hand. Still squeeks ok.
Removed cover , tensioner and chain guides still Squeeks. Looks like its coming from the crank possibly a main bearing? This really sucks I just rebuilt it I used all new parts (rod/main bearings, pistons, piston rings/pin, ARP hardware) Today I put everything back on what a Joy that was.
Im so pissed hopefully it goes away during a good run or two; when I get ms tuned properly. When it was on the engine stand during the rebuild, and after dropping the motor in running with the original l28et eccs I didnt hear that noise. Could it be I messed up bearings from too many attempts at starting with ms2 gas flooding?:S