Well learn from my mistakes guys. I spent hours prepping my engine bay only to ruin it due to a couple of things. One, I put the POR 15 on way to thick and two, it was very humid the night I did it. The result? I finish that looks like I painted over sawdust!! The finish is full of bubbles. Millions of tiny bubbles so close together it looks like like I did no prep at all, or I prepped with glue and wood chippings!!
I called POR 15 and they indicated that when their product dries it releases CO2 and if the coat is too thick this release has trouble getting all the way out and creates this effect. High humidity has the same effect so the two things combined killed me. I spent 2.5 hours last night resanding one side of the bay for my second attempt. I hope it comes out better this time!!
All the other spots I have done on the car came out great so I knew I did something wrong!!!