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Everything posted by alsil

  1. As far as I know, there are no Z31 / SBF swaps (I could be wrong)... as far as crossmembers / motor mounts, no one makes them that I know of either. The engine bay on the Z31 is smaller than even the 280ZX bay - so I'm not sure how it would fit. The engine is a little narrower and slightly longer than a SBC, so length and height will be the biggest hurdles to overcome. For mounting the trans - find a SBF with a T-5 already with it. the stock 5-speed would take a bunch of mods to make it fit (adapter plate, etc) plus would not be up to the task Torque-wise. The 3.0 Z motor doesn't make a ton of torque, while the SBF makes over 250 lb-ft in stock form. This would shred the 5-speed quick. Even the T-5 they put behind the 5.0 motors doesn't handle much over 300 lb-ft very long. There's always the WC T-5 which is rated for 325 lb-ft (If I remember right), but that's not much of a step up. if you're just going to drive the car around and have fun the stock T-5 would be fine. Remember though, that going with a carb changes the output of a stock 86-93 SBF from 225 hp to around 255-260 (with a dual-plane intake and 600 CFM carb, the stock EFI intake is VERY restrictive) so you're starting with a medium strong engine from the get-go. If you do wind up doing the swap, post pics and info here so others can benefit. Keeps people from making the same mistakes others have already made!!
  2. *cough* *cough* What? Wait, let me roll up my windows *cough* *cough* stupid fumes.........
  3. That's what I like about the WA rules - 25 year exemption. So 1981 is the oldest year that still needs smog. CA started that 30 year thing and changed right back. Stupid of them. Most of the cars putting out all the smog are loate 70's early 80's when they REALLY had trouble making 'em run right with all the smog crap they were saddled with... I say figure out what you need to do BEFORE you do it. Make a plan, research what it takes to do the things you want, the parts, etc.....then when you're ready, go for it. The JTR book is a great way to start your plan. That book has everything in it, and most of it can be used for any of the V8 swaps.
  4. Pontiac Aztek, hands down. That thing is one UGLY turd.
  5. I'm getting 20mpg on the freeway and MAYBE 15 in town in my '02 Silverado Extra cab. Good thing I work 10 minutes from home, otherwise I'd be pretty worried about my gas usage. As it is I put gas in my truck (if I fill the tank, which I don't seem to do anymore) about once every 2 weeks. Pretty much that's what I've changed - I just don't fill up. It's about $70 to fill my tank. That's tough to stomach in one sitting. Probably why I haven't done it. Costs the same in the long run, I guess.....
  6. Loaded question!!! (well it seems like from all the other people posting!!! Me: - Music: http://www.myspace.com/echoes (new album in the works) http://www.myspace.com/ashesoftoday http://www.myspace.com/systrum - My wife's band (I play guitar) - Websites: www.echoes.ws www.mountainviewlabradors.com www.pdxrocks.com - And the usual screwing around: http://www.myspace.com/alsilveira I also work out 5 times a week and am taking guitar lessons for the first time in my life to clean up my playing. Doing some guest vocals on some projects too. I don't know when the hell I sleep. it's amazing.
  7. That's just awesome!!!! Wonder if there's a 260Z and 280Z that are just slightly heavier and larger........
  8. Pete. Haven't talked to you for a while, but I hope things went well with your surgery. Sorry to hear about your pain. Back problems are the worst, it makes everything a chore. Get well, recouperate, and get back out there with your Z!!!
  9. Well since I am a musician, and have things going on, you HAVE to have a Myspace nowadays. Lots of bands ONLY have a Myspace page. It's too damned easy for a band to post their stuff. Here's my personal page: http://www.myspace.com/alsilveira Band pages: http://www.myspace.com/echoes Echoes my current band http://www.myspace.com/ashesoftoday Ashes of Today My last project http://www.myspace.com/refuseband Refuse one of my old bands http://www.myspace.com/ratsaladband Rat Salad Black Sabbath Tribute And my wife's band: http://www.myspace.com/systrum Systrum
  10. Nah, Anna's going to be going to Foothill to take the RT program, so I'm down until she's done. Gonna take a while, but in the meantime our house builds equity Staying at my mother in law's until it's done. Since it's just my income until she's done, no car projects But when she's done
  11. And they say that the NW gets lots of rain - I've seen more rain here in San Jose in the last month than the whole entire last YEAR in Portland. It really can stop raining now. Would be nice to be dry, even for just a couple of days!!!
  12. Thanks man. I'll give him a call tomorrow.
  13. Hey guys, anyone on the board here heard from Mike lately? I've been trying to get a hold of him for a few weeks now, and he's not replying to emails, so I've been getting worried. Anyone know if he's ok, or if he changed emails or jobs? I don't have his work # anymore, or I'd call him. Any help would be appreciated. thanks!
  14. Uhhh....I feel sick........... The rear wheels don't even fit....
  15. Wow. that's killer. I would buy that That looks better than any of the ones I've seen. Best looking GM car I've seen in decades. MUCH more like it.
  16. Since it was inspired by the Mustang in the first place....doesn't suprise me... Don't like it. GM needs to start designing decent looking cars again. Thought the GTO / Manaro was a good design, but kind of bland. I think GM does a killer job of designing trucks, but just drops the ball when it comes to cars, IMO. Dodge and Ford seem to be on the right track, The Challenger is awesome, and the Mustang, even though it's a tank, looks good.
  17. Funny, the drivers in my area (Portland, OR) do the exact opposite thing - they just speed up to you and don't even look to merge- they just assume you will slow down for them and let them in. Even if you're going faster, they will just pull right into the lane while you're slamming on the brakes to try and not hit them. For that reason as soon as I get onto the freeway I move as far LEFT as possible (not that the freeways have more than 2 lanes in either direction mostly). Being used to CA drivers this was a big shock. I've actually seen a lot of people creep up the on ramps to the freeways in the Bay Area when I lived there. I've seen accidents because the people stop and the car behind them tries to avoid them at the last second.
  18. Whoa that's weird, that's 3/8's a side....wonder if that is a year-specific mount, I always got '66 mounts and never had a problem. As far as I knew they didn't change 'em. In fact this is the first time we've had a problem like this....weird. As long as Mike took care it, cool....I would make sure no matter what to get a '69 mount then, because I'm sure up to '68 they are all the same...but '69 did have a different engine bay, maybe that's where the difference comes from? you'd think they would just change the frame mounts and not the actual motor mount....hmmm....I'll have to check around on that.
  19. Which mount, stud- type or does it have 2 ears? It should look like this pic installed on the engine:
  20. Here's a good one. My ex-girlfriend was getting rides from me back and forth to work. I drove her everywhere. She told me that it was because she didn't have a car and the bus didn't run when she needed to get to work. So being the nice guy I am I decided to find her a car. I found this NICE '72 510 for sale for like $500. It was so clean it looked new. Only problem was, blown head gasket (typical for 510's). So my friend and I swapped out the gasket and drove it home. She didn't know how to drive a stick. So she asked me to teach her. Remember, this thing was CLEAN and STOCK. not a SINGLE DENT. There wasn't even rust under the hood by the cowl vent. She got in, started it up. She let out on the clutch, and backed it up. Quickly. Problem is she hadn't closed the door. And there was a pole. There went straight. the door went past 90 degrees by like 20. We bent it back but the door never closed right again. *Sigh*
  21. So hey it's been a while since I've been here, thought I'd find out something, been thinking about it. The Skyline RB26 swaps here seem to be happening, have the motors come down in price recently? I may be able to actually do a project someday soon (I hope) and I'm fishing for ideas. Looks like it swaps in with brackets, is this a real expensive swap, or have the motors come down to a realistic price? With a few people here in the middle of swaps it seems like they might have.
  22. That's all the info I needed on that..... That's thing's up there with the Pontiac Aztec for me
  23. Damn, those Stang definately got their panties in a twist over that one....funny because that motor would put a serious hurt on a 4.6....
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