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Everything posted by wheelman

  1. If the VATS has been programmed out then thats probably not the problem. You might have a problem with the fuel pump not running once the engine starts. The PCM will run it for about 2 seconds when the key is turned on and then shut it off. After the engine starts and the oil pressure comes up the oil pressure switch will keep the fuel pump relay energized, thats assuming you wired in an oil pressure switch with the fuel pump relay. I used an LT1 from a caprice so the wiring harness is a little different, it has an under hood fuse/relay box with the fan, fuel pump and injector fuses and relays. This is where the oil pressure switch was connected to the fuel pump relay on mine, not sure how a corvette system is set up so you'll have to trace it out but I'd start with that. If thats wired fine then I'd check the VATS again but I've never heard of problems with programming it out, maybe the Corvette PCM is different from the F-Body and B-Body PCMs. Wheelman
  2. Is the ratty luggage rack filled with ratty luggage part of the style? Wheelman
  3. My last name is Wheeler so Wheelman makes sense. Wheelman
  4. It was a great game. I was very bummed at the end of the first quarter and almost decided to go do something else, I'm glad I didn't. I'm not a Pats hater but I am tired of seeing them in the SuperBowl every other year. As for the officiating being bad, they've been terrible all year. After what happened to the Hawks (yes I'm a big fan) in the SuperBowl last year you'd think the NFL would have cracked down on the bias in the refs. It almost looks like the league selects teams at the beginning of the season that will make the play-offs/SuperBowl and the officials are used to ensure it happens. Wheelman
  5. Bry, What is the weight of your car? Do you have aluminum heads, water pump, intake manifold, etc.? How did you weigh it to determine the weight distribution? What transmission are you running? Wheelman
  6. I have to echo the basic statement that it's a bad idea to think you can make a hobby your job and still enjoy the hobby. I'm not a mechanic and I'm glad I didn't become one when I seriously contemplated it. Instead I pursued my other hobby (computer programming) as a career. I make very good money as an embedded software developer but I refuse to work on software projects on MY time anymore. I spend all day solving puzzles and making things work so when I get home it's the last thing I want to do. I've considered doing some work on the MegaSquirt project but can't motivate myself to do it, I'd much rather be in the garage turning wrenches, welding, grinding or even sanding. I know based on this experience that if I'd pursued a career as a mechanic I'd avoid working on my cars on MY time. Having made that statement I also want to strongly encourage anyone contemplating a career as a mechanic to listen to what Grumpy had to say. The real money in pretty much any career is in being the boss and for mechanics that means owning your own shop and making sure you provide the highest possible quality of service. Once the reputation of the shop is established and you're successful you'll have opportunities to enjoy the automotive industry in ways no others can. Wheelman
  7. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/d737539f-6b47-4416-98ce-c4e93394b777.htm Wheelman
  8. I'm not a turbo car expert but it seems to me that if you have a boost leak after the AFM then the engine woud run rich not lean. This is because the AFM measures a given amount of air entering the intake but less than that is actually getting into the cylinders, at least under boost. A vacuum leak would be just the opposite as more air is drawn in through the leak than is measured. Could your fuel pump or APR be causing a fuel supply problem at higher RPMs which in turn causes the lean condition? It might still be an electrical problem causing a weak spark at higher RPMs. Do yo uhave a way to measure your air/fuel ratio? Wheelman
  9. How much of it is put back together now? If the AFM and other parts are still disconnected I'd get all that back together before trying to diagnose the miss. Wheelman
  10. This must be a later ear vs early ear thing as I had to remove the stock ears to get my T5 into the tunnel. I retained the stock Datsun crossmember by making new ears that bolted into the tunnel about 4" back from the stock location. I had to widen the tunnel a bit to get the crossmember in there but it all worked out. Not sure this helped much with your questions Jon but if you want some pictures of what I did I'm pretty sure I have some around somewhere. Wheelman
  11. Here is a thread that discusses similar springs from the same company. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=105676 If you search for Cosmo you'll find other threads that have more to say about them. Wheelman
  12. I used the Mustache bar bushings from my 240 master kit in my R200 bar and everything fit just fine. Wheelman
  13. I have a single 2 1/2" pipe version on my Z. I really like the throaty sound. I've posted several times with sound clips, if you search for one of those threads you can hear how it sounds. I have dual 2 1/4" into a Y-pipe then 2 1/2" the rest of the way. At least I think thats how it's set up, I've haven't messed with the exhuast in quite a while and my memory isn't as good as it used to be. Wheelman
  14. That was great!!! Not that you got sick but the recounting of the event(s). I went through a session like that last summer except I didn't go to the hospital, just toughed it out. I think I just had a bad case of food poisoning because I didn't have a fever but my guts decided everything was coming out right now one way and the other. I know what you mean about the flow of time being redefined by the retching muscles, especially when there is nothing left to retch. Anyway I'm glad you survived it. Wheelman
  15. I have to throw my vote in for StarBlazers as well. Very creative writers to turn a WWII era battle ship into the ultimate outer space warship. Wheelman
  16. I have a Megasquirt II V3 that I assembled. It works fine with the stimulater but I haven't installed it in a car yet. I was going to use it in a Volvo 245 I was given but sold the car when I was offered $500.00. I've considered using the MS on my LT1 but haven't made the attempt yet as I have the GM PCM working fine and don't want to mess it up. Anyway I was just curious if you had built yours and what you thought of the experience. I enjoyed assembling mine and look forward to using it someday. Wheelman
  17. Phil, Did you build the megasquirt yourself? When you had the camera close to the intake to show the fuel pressure there was an obvious clicking sound, is that the injectors? My LT1 has a clicking sound like that which I've pretty much narrowed down to the injectors but I didn't think they should be that loud. Wheelman
  18. Just for reference I weighed my 240 with an iron head LT1, T5, R200 and 2001 Camaro fuel tank (15 gallon plastic construction) at our local track last year. The scale was a single pad so I don't have individual wheel weights but we got reasonable front/rear weights. I wasn't in the car, the tank was 1/2 full and the engine is mounted in the JTR position and set back as far as I could get it. Total weight: 2540 lbs Front: 1320 lbs Rear: 1220 lbs 52/48 distribution Turn in is great and the rear is not squirrelly unless I jump on the throttle mid corner or lock the rear brakes which is nearly impossible with the stock drums. I have spun the car twice by shifting from 3rd to 2nd and dropping the clutch mid corner without matching the engine revs to car speed. It effectively locked the rear tires and the car swapped ends, fortunately for me I was auto crossing at the time so had plenty of room to spin and not hit anything. I'm running the MSA sway bars, Tokico springs and struts so the suspension is not tuned or very stiff. The car is very neutral but oversteer can be induced with the throttle. Wheelman
  19. You can mount them in the setback plates if you are using the JTR mounting scheme. Just drill and tap a hole of the correct size in the center of the plate and you should be good to go. If you look at the wiring diagram for the Caprice/Impala PCM you'll find that both knock sensors connect to the same PCM input pin. Before running one of those Impala SS sensors I'd make sure the Camaro sensor is exactly the same. Wheelman
  20. Jersey, Thanks for the advice, I have several x-rays that show the misalignment and thought it would be possible to see a herniated disk. Looking at the x-rays I thought I could see the outline of the disks but I'm not a trained radiologist so I'm not sure. Anyway, it would probably be a good idea for me to get an MRI as you suggest and I will find out how much of the cost my insurance will cover. Wheelman
  21. Did the guy with the slow times say anything about what had been done to the car to lighten it? Don't the 300ZX turbos weight about 3400-3500 lbs stock? He might also be an inexperienced driver that just needs to learn how to drive, don't let it get you down man. Wheelman
  22. Sorry to hear about the engine being junk. I wanted to make a comment about the idea of welding the rear diff. A young guy who is a member of the local Auto-X club drives a 240SX with a welded rear diff (he set it up for drifting) and he has problems keeping the rearend behind him. The car has an SR20DET so it's got power similar to a V8 Z which makes it a resonable example. Wheelman
  23. Hey guys, This car is located about 15 minutes from me, anybody want to donate to buying it so we can either put it out of it's misery or bring it back to life. I do have to comment that I can't tell what I'm looking at in most of the pictures in that listing. Wheelman
  24. Mike, You know sometimes the biggest favor someone can do for us to tell us we're being stupid and to get a clue. Don't be so thin skinned about BJ or any other "older guy" saying something that may sound a little harsh, it might be the thing that gets the guy's attention and makes him realize he's just being dumb. It might even save his life because he stops blaming the equipment for his problem and learns how things work before his lack of experience kills him. Wheelman
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