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Turbo Meister

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Everything posted by Turbo Meister

  1. I bought these turbos because they will fit on my exhaust. However, had to redo the air box inlets and trim some metal from the intake manifold for clearance. I spent 8 hours polishing the turbine housings and now I'm waiting for them to be ceramic coated. jgkurz ....ball bearing turbos were out of my price range. But these turbos can be upgraded in the future with ball bearings due to the modular nature of these units. Hanns
  2. Elmo said I could use his new toys if I didn't break them. I will have to retune my carb and engine since they are a little larger and more efficient than my old Rajays. Turbonetics, TO4B 62-1 4" intake, 2.5" discharge Compressor, 96 A/R, TO4 intake, 3" discharge, P trim Turbine. These turbos are maxed out at 60 lbs. airflow each but I don't think my engine can generate more than 45 lbs. each, at this time. I can't wait to hit the road again and see what they'll do. Hanns
  3. Nice video. Looks like it pulls real well.
  4. In 1977, my neighbor disassembled his 73 240 and announced he was planning to install a V8 into it. It is still in his garage and he hasn't done it yet. I even offered to convert it for him but he says he wants to eventually make the conversion. In 1999, I decided to but a Z and convert it to V8. I had no computer so no Hybridz. Bought a junkyard conversion at the Pomona Swap meet but didn't know where to begin. Neighbor told me about JTR. Completed the conversion and went racing, in the low 11's( before I got the turbos). At the track various individuals kept asking me if I was A Hybridz member. Didn't know what they were talking about. Went to the local library, when I figured it out, and logged on. Became extremely irate upon discovering how much easier the whole conversion could have been if I had only known about this GREAT site earlier. Thanks Super Dan, Owen, and the rest of you knowledgable old-timers. Hanns
  5. When I first got my Proform 750 dp the engine experienced a very damaging violent lean backfire. That's when I determined that the hi speed air bleeds are extremely lean. Although this does not apply to you, I had to replace the boosters to get enough fuel for my turbos.
  6. Doc, Like everyone else, I really like that color. Hanns
  7. However, beginning at 2800 rpm the turbo is just rapidly outclimbing the stock curve. Also, the softer turbo start will be better to control wheelspin. This chart shows great improvement with a low boost turbo on a stock low rpm engine. The small turbine is necessary to reduce lag from the extended piping. At that boost level even an intercooler is not necessary but that also hurts performance since the piping will reduce the heat of the exhaust to the turbine.
  8. I believe Super Dan posted some pics of a complete Turbo Tom setup. He would be able to show you how to find them. His photo gallery is too large to examine pic by pic.
  9. I bent the horn flanges up so that the lowest point of the horns is higher than the lowest point of the airdam. The flanges are easily bent and stay in the bent position. I even like the sound of the horns better in this position but not as much as the sound of the turbos.
  10. Nice. I suggest you invert the horns so that they are hidden by the airdam. Thats what I did.
  11. It sounds like you still don't know exactly what you want in turbo engine performance. Take your time and decide how much power you really want and what you can actually use. With my 16 year old Rajay turbos at 17 psi, 383 chevy, no intercooler, no wastegates, through the mufflers, I ran 145 mph in the quarter, on a hot day. That equates out to 701 rear wheel hp in my Z(2950 pounds). T3's are too small for your engine unless you want to be under boost at 1500 rpm. T04 B's would be a better choice. Go to Turbonetics web site where you will find many compressor maps to help you decide what turbo is best for your needs. Also Tim240z has a set of GarrettT04B's available, never used, but you might not want them because they are rated at 1000 hp and you want much less. I once decided to increase my max boost to see how much power these old Rajays could make. I exchanged my 80 A/R turbine housings with much smaller 60 housings. I made 30 psi boost for a brief moment until my fuel pump gave up and my rear tires turned liquid. With just that change. Turbomustangs.com is also a good V8 turbo tech source for all types of engines. Hanns
  12. Great looking Z. Let's take a closer look at that turbo hiding in the background and get more info on it. Or is that "off the table" until after SEZ? Looking forward to the videos. Hanns
  13. The entire installation looks great and I'm sure the larger turbos will temporarily satisfy. What are the specs on the new turbos? Hanns
  14. Thanks everyone, for your suggestions and ideas. I will stay twins and have explored some vendors. I will post my progress and evaluation of them as it develops. Hanns
  15. Thanks for the info but I'm concerned about these turbos due to some negative comments from members at turbomustang.com. Also, MP does not list 0n-center turbines for their compressors. But great prices.
  16. That's the first thing I tried. He has a Chevy Vega that he tried to race with those turbos 16 years ago. He couldn't make it work so the car sat until 4 years ago when he loaned them to me. After seeing what my Z can do with the turbos he got interested again. So my success is also my loss. Hanns
  17. My buddy wants his Rayjay turbos back that he has loaned me for the past 4 years. I don't want to get replacement Rayjays because they are outdated and there is very little future support for them. Turbonetics is the sole owner of the patent and they told me they will no longer make new Rayjays or replacement parts. Once they sell off their remaining inventory, Rayjay is history. I can't afford to change my exhaust system and buy new turbos. So I think I will have to stick with a twin setup. Some fabrication will still have to be done since no newer turbo is like the Rayjays. I wonder if I will make any of the Z shows much less any racing in the near future. I'm not buying any of the e-bay no name turbos because that's just asking for trouble. I would like a pair of Turbonetics T04B 62-1's. They are larger than the Rayjays and will provide a little more power. Is there a dealer on the site who has connections with Turbonetics and can obtain these turbos at a reasonable rate? Hanns
  18. Yes....... another turbo V8 is on the way. Good luck.
  19. Happy Birthday, Doc. Hope you have a good one. Get that Turbo Monte rolling. Hanns
  20. When my friend gave me his old Rayjay turbos for the Z, I knew nothing about this power adder. I thought they were superchargers and believed I had to use both of them or the system would not work on my 383 Chevy engine. It took a lot of research before I even started planning for my current configuration. So basically, Turbo Meister, "someone who has mastered the art of turbos", is a tongue-in-cheeck description of my painfully limited turbo knowledge. My first name tells you why it's Meister and not Master. The good news is that I'm learning more and more about turbos each day and someday may actually earn that name. Hanns
  21. This is about as close to giving everyone an advantage as we will ever come in order not to be completely blown away by your Z. And 150 lb injectors...are you using a garden hose to supply each injector with fuel? Looking forward to seeing your Z run but your IRS is history. Hanns
  22. We already have that section. Just go to the Photo Albums under the VIDEO section and watch the videos of my Z. :grin:
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