I have been parting out Datsun 510s for about 15 years. I made a deal with my wife that I would not use any of "Our Money" for my car projects. I need to fund my car habit buy buying and selling other cars and parts.
Greg, While alot of what you say is true, you need to decide what your "Free Time" is worth. If you spent 100 hours of your time parting out that car and you got the drivetrain you needed for free then how much did your drivetrain actually cost you?
Figure out how much your free time is worth to you. I figure mine like this:
Hypothetically, If I get paid $25 an hour at work then my free time has to be worth at least twice that amount.
So at $50 an hour for 100 hours that comes out to $5000 for your drive train. Could you have bought it for less? If so, maybe it was not worth it. Could you have saved up the $5000 to buy it? If so, how long would it have taken you to save up $5000 to buy it? What would you have had to sacrifice to use that $5000 for the purchase? Would you have had to work extra hours to save the money? Or maybe taken on a part time job?
To some people, it will not be worth it to part out a car for "Free Parts". To others, it is a good way to bring in cash that you otherwise wouldn't have.
If you do decide to part out cars to make some cash for your projects, do it on your own terms. Don't sit around on the weekend waiting for somone to not show up. Don't haggle over a $10 part. Actually, don't sell $10 parts. They are not worth you time. You will lose more then $10 by selling a $10 part. Better to throw it away. Even giving it away will cost you more time and/or money.
There are ways to save time and money if you work smart. UPS, Fed-ex and USPS have shipping calculators on their websites so you don't have to run out to get an estimate. A cheap bathroom scale works fine for estimating shipping weights. Always add the cost of your time and packaging materials to the shipping. If it will take you an hour to build a crate to ship a hood, charge the buyer for it. A JY charges more if they pull a part vs. you coming and pulling the part.
If the buyer is not willing to pay for the service, don't sell it to them. It is your valuable time. Don't give it away.
If anyone needs any 510 parts, let me know.