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Everything posted by QWKDTSN

  1. I just have to say, Briguy...... That shifter is AWESOME. You're my hero 8)
  2. Is it just me or is that exhaust side housing REALLY big?
  3. I have Accel shorty plugs that the dyno shop opted to install when they were tuning my car. About seven bucks a plug but they seem to work fine... I have heat proof boots too and they seem to work perfectly, even with the old plugs, but the old plugs were Kragen specials and I thought an upgrade would be a good idea. Summit has the Accel plugs (they're kind of a neon yellow/green).
  4. That sucks! I recently got a ticket on the freeway on my motorcycle... 75mph in a 65 zone. Damn it
  5. My pump rises and falls in pitch from a low hum to a grumble... I am not using a relay and have had no problems... It is a Holley Blue pump feeding my 350. Granted, this is a far cry from your high-PSI EFI setup, but what you describe doesn't sound too major to me.... Anyone else have an opinion?
  6. I trust everything about it except the temperature.
  7. Scroll down and read the post "One Legger.... or?" This might give you some insight... Is your Z an automatic? Looks like this was a brakestand by the little piles of scattered rubber preceding the burnout. I know that if you're stopped and suddenly apply enough power to break traction, it'll lay two stripes. If you're moving and have enough power to break a wheel it'll break just one and "one-leg it". Anyone want to correct me on any points here?
  8. Looks good! I had to go into the page source and dig out the image. Copy and paste and hit return and it should work. http://www.geocities.com/maxfareday/dvc001052.jpg
  9. Seats from an early 90's Prelude are what I have, I fabbed some brackets to attach them to the stock rails, unfortunately it was kind of a pain and they sit higher than stock so a smaller steering wheel blocks visibility of the gauges. The driving position is very good though, and they are comfortable and adjustable (they have adjustable side bolstering! Turn a knob back for a near-flat road-trip seat, turn it forward for tight road-race bolstering).
  10. You've got to do it yourself! Search is down otherwise I would recommend searching for the information. at least one or two guys have done it.
  11. I bet a pallet jack and a friend or two would do the trick.. after you get it on the ground, of course. I don't know how you'd get it on the ground other than a forklift, as an engine hoist simply wouldn't cut it.
  12. Mad Max indeed.... interesting I like in the first Mad Max movie, how the supercharger coule be 'turned on' by hitting a button. Suuuuuuuuuuuure
  13. I'm advising you not to get one just because I'm not having any luck helping you out with what the hell they are called, or where to get one I'm working on it I think they're cool looking but I'd personally use a filter... Turbos are too delicate to be sucking dust through.
  14. Thanks for the info Grumpy, my block is a high nickel 2 bolt block and I knew this from the start. 250whp now and maybe 300 later with heads and a different cam, but probably won't shoot for any more than that. I'll file this stuff away for later...
  15. Is it an SBC, or is it a Lexus motor? The shot of the motor is so fast it's hard to tell. All they say is that it is 350hp. Looks like a good show, though, looking forward to that episode. I've seen all the others so far.
  16. 251hp to the wheels (309 lb-ft torque) and AVS Intermediates and I just smoke them through first and second. Open diff does nothing to help, of course Heavy Z, man, what is the backspace on those wheels? My AVS' are 215s and I am running them on like a 6.5" wheel... Your wheels are some big mofos... I would think you would have more than 225s?
  17. If your rear lights and side markers are out but headlights work, i can almost guarantee it is the headlight switch. If all the lights are on but the rears, I'd be checking the fuses first, then the switch. Probably some corrosion in the system somewhere. Good luck 8)
  18. IIRC... Front Z struts go in the back and MR2 struts go in the front. Or it could be the other way around. My struts are sectioned 2" and I don't have any problems with my wheels or any wheels I may plan on getting in the future.
  19. They do... The general consensus is that they aren't worth installing... I don't know of a single person here that's used them... I'd rather leave off a strut bar than install the spacers. Your bar will probably fit anyway... What kind is it?
  20. Looking damn good man.... I started my Z a month after turning 16. Suspension came first, then interior, then the original L6... The V8 madness started at 17. I'm 19 now. I love seeing young guys like us making nice stuff.
  21. I'm going to do another flush and refill, making sure I have the right proportions of everything... I'm going to be sure to get all the air out again, and see what happens... I have a rigid lower hose and a good pump. I have a bunch of theories bouncing around so it's just a matter of crossing them off one by one.
  22. One of my favorite songs of all time... When I was a little kid I had Billy Joel's greatest hits (damn, I'm young) and would listen to it every night to fall asleep. Listened to it every night for years. Listening to it now.... The sound clip sounds kind of drowned out, under water as you say.... it's probably not a good representation of how the actual car sounds. I almost think it sounds like a big-bore straight six like a Jag E-type. It doesn't sound uniquely V8 to me.
  23. It was yesterday... Went great The thought that kept popping into my head was "this car is an animal!" Are you having any issues with your swap or is everything going OK? Good luck with that first startup, mine was the first on a fresh motor so everything was unknown. Will it run? Who knows! Fortunately, everything worked out and I broke it in without too much trouble. 8)
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